Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/255

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DESMOND 237 EARLDOM I. MoRiCE fitz Thomas,(') next br. and h., b. 1393. 1 r, On 5 Apr. 13 14 the King took his fealty and he had ■^""' livery of his lands. C") He was sum. for Military Service from 3 Apr.(i322) 15 Edw. II to 8 Dec.(i322) i6Edw. II, by writs directed Mauricio filio Thome. He was present in a Pari, at Dublin, Easter I324.() On 16 July 1327 he was admonished for refusing to obey the Justiciar.C') Having quarrelled with the Earl of Ulster, peace was made between them in a Pari, at Dublin in Mar. 1329.Q On 27 Aug. 1329 the King gave him all the royal liberties in co. Kerry, except the four usual pleas and the profits from the crosses, to hold, to him and the heirs male of his body, by the service of a knight's fee, by the name and honour of EARL OF DESMOND, and on this account the King girded him with the sword :('^) on the same day he was granted the advowson of the church of Dungarvan, that he might the better support the dignity of an Earl.Q He was pardoned for all offences committed in Ireland before 10 Oct., 14 Oct. 1329.0 In 1330 he assisted the Justiciar, John Darcy, by (*) The arms of the Earls of Desmond were. Ermine, a saltire Gules. Crest, a boar Ermine, fretty Gules (or charged with a saltire Gules), armed and maned Or, and (sometimes) placed on a chapeau. Supporters, two male griffons Argent, their horns and rays [spikes] Or. Cry, " Shanet a boo" [Shanid, co. Limerick]. As there is no monkey in this achievement, the episode narrated above, p. 234, note " c ", must be awarded, if heraldic evidence is worth anything, to a Geraldine of the line of Kildare. (b) Patent Roll, ID Edw. II, />. 2, m. 18: Close Roll [I.], 1 8 Edw. II, no. 12: Close Roll, I Edw. Ill, p. 2, m. 21 d. (<=) On this occasion the Earl of Ulster gave a great feast in the Castle, Morice gave another next day in the Church of St. Patrick, and the Justiciar gave a third at Kilmainham. (Grace, Annales, p. 1 1 2). C^) " Edward . . . Come pur le bon et greable seruice qe nostre cher et foial monsire Morice filz Thomas Dirlande ad fait a noz progenitours et a nous et vncore fra a nous en temps auenir lui eoms donez et grantez pur nous et pur noz heirs totes noz reales franchises qe nous auoms en Contez de Keri en nostre dite terre Dirlande forpris les quatre pledz cest a sauer forstal rap' tresor trouez et arzon et aussint les seruices des Croces en meisme le Contez a auer et tenir au dit Morice et a ses heirs madles de son corps engendrez de nous et de noz heirs par le seruice de vn fe de Cheualier sur noun et honur de Counte de Dessemond' et sur ce li auoms ceint despe Et aussint eantz regard' au seruice auantdit et qe le dit Morice se puisse du mielz contenir en lestat de Conte lui eoms pardonez pur nous et pur noz heirs a terme de sa vie la rente de deux Centz marcs par an la quele rente est appellee la rente de Dongaruan." (Ch. Privy Seals, I, file 164, no. 2879: also — without the last clause, which is on the Patent Roll, p. 2, m. 24.— Charter Roll, 3 Edw. Ill, m. I 5). (*) Patent Roll, 3 Edw. Ill, p. 2, m. 24. This grant was revoked in Pari., because it had been made by the advice of Roger de Mortimer, the King's enemy. {Idem, 7 Edw. Ill, p. 2, m. 3). (f) Patent Roll, 3 Edw. Ill, p. 2, m. 12. In 1 329 he purchased, or pretended that he had purchased, from one Thomas de Carreu, who alleged himself to be kinsman and heir of Robert fitz Stephen, the over-lordship of the manors of Inchequin and Youghal, which manors were then held by Margaret, widow of Bartholomew de Badlesmere. (Enrolments of deeds on Close Roll, 3 Edw. Ill, m. 13 d). But