Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/257

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DESMOND 239 sum. for Military Service in France, 10 July I344.(^) Having absented himself from a Pari, held at Dublin in June 1345, the Justiciar, Ralph d'UfFord, seized his lands into the King's hand, and besieged and took his castles.C') The Earl escaped and could not be found, and the lands, tt'c, of his mainpernors were therefore forfeited. C') He was excepted from pardon, 12 May I346,() but on 28 June he received a special pro- tection. In order that he might come to England to answer his accusers before the King, as he had been impeached of things prejudicial to the King in Ireland.('^) On 20 July the Justiciar was ordered to send him to England,(') and he embarked at Youghal with his wife and two sons on 13 Sep., the King making him an allowance of 20s. a day from the time he reached England. Q He remained in custody for a long time. On 18 Feb. 1347/8 he was released, his mainpernors having undertaken to produce him before the King when required.(8) On 28 Nov. 1349 he was admitted to the King's grace, pardoned for all treasons, acts of war, and outlawries, and restored to his former estate, obtaining his castles and lands, together with the issues thereof since these had been taken into the King's hand: but he was required to leave his two sons then in England as hostages during the King's pleasure. C") He returned to Ireland about May I350.() On 16 Sep. 1351 he received a special protection against his enemies in Ireland. C") He was again in England in May i2SS-(!') ^n 8 July 1355 he was appointed Justiciar of Ireland,(') and held the office till his death. He w., istly, 5 Aug. 13 12, at Green Castle, co. Down, Katherine,(') 6th da. of Richard (de Burgh), Earl of Ulster, by Margaret, (*) He was to bring 20 men-at-arms and 50 hobelers. {French Roll, 18 Edw. Ill, m. 6). C") The lands of Clonmel, Kilsheelan, Kilfealcle, Connello, Kerry, and Desmond. His principal strongholds, Askeaton and Castle Island, were captured 30 Sep. and 21 Oct., respectively. (Clyn, p. 31). Cf. Annals of Ireland, pp. 385-8. (') His mainpernors (appointed in 1333) were the Earls of Ulster and Ormond, and 25 others, knights. They were all pardoned (several being then dead), 10 July 1355- [Patent Roll, 29 Edw. Ill, p. 2, m. 1 3). (<*) Patent Roll, 20 Edw. Ill, p. 2, mm. 32, 29; Patent Roll [I.], no. 8. His mainpernors in June were Sir Thomas de Berkele, Sir Reynold de Cobham, and Sir Morice de Berkele. C) "... qil vendra en Engleterre et se rendra au Roi de ester a la lei a respondre au Roi et as touz autres de ceo qe homme vorra parler deuers lui et de faire et de receiure ceo qe droit et lei veet en celle partie." If he did not come, process was to be made against him according to the law of Ireland. [Close Roll, 20 Edw. Ill, p. 2, m. 25 d). Annals of Ireland, p. 389. (^ His mainpernors were Ralph, Baron of Stafford, Thomas de Berkele, Richard Talbot, and Reynold de Cobham. [Close Roll, 22 Edw. Ill, p. I, m. 34 d). (t) Patent Rolls, 23 Edw. Ill, /.. 3, m. 9; 24 Edw. III,/). I,m. 13; 25 Edw. Ill, p. 2, m. 8; 29 Edw. Ill, p. 1, m. 4. (') Patent Roll, 29 Edw. Ill, p. 2, m. 12. His salary — ;^500 a year — was specially ordered to be paid quarterly in advance. (J) "Mcccxii. In crastino sancti Dominici dominus Mauricius filius Thome desponsavit Katherinam filiam Comitis Ultonie ad Viride Castrum." [Annals of Ireland,