Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/27

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DACRE II Tuddenham, Norfolk. She m., 3rdly, Francis Thursby, of Congham, in that CO. She was living 17 Dec. 1565, and probably J. in I576.() Thomas Fiennes, who, but for the forfeiture of his father's honours, would have been Lord Dacre, J. 25 Aug. 1553, aged 15, being a ward of the Queen. C') In^. p. m. X. 1558. 10. Gregory (Fiennes), Lord Dacre, only br. and h., bap. 25 June 1539, at Hurstmonceaux. He was reuored in blood and honours by Act of Pari. (1558) i Eliz., and was sum. to Pari, from II Jan. (1562/3) 5 Eliz. to 19 Feb. (1592/3) 35 Eliz. He accom- panied the Earl of Lincoln, 1572, on his Embassy to Paris. (■=) He w., before Nov. 1558, Anne, sister of Thomas, ist Earl of Dorset, da. of Sir Richard Sackville, by Winifred, da. of Sir John Bruges (or Brydges), Lord Mayor of London. He d. s.p.m.J^) at his house (') in Chelsea, 25 Sep. 1594, and was bur. at Chelsea, Midx., aged ^^. Will pr. 1594. His widow d. 14, and was bur. there 15 May 1595. Will dat. Dec. 1594,0 pr. 1595. XL 1594. II. Margaret, .f«o yK;Y, Baroness Dacre, sister and h.(*) Her claim to the Barony was referred to commissioners for the office of Earl Marshal, both by Queen Elizabeth and James I ; these, on S Dec. 1 604, declared her right to the same-C") She, who was b. i 54 1 , w., shortly before 10 Nov. i564,(') Sampson Lennard,(') of Knole, Chevening, (*) The Families of Lennard and Barrett., ut supra, p. 50, note 2, and p. 207. () Idem, p. 207. (■=) In Camden's Elizabeth he is said to have been "a man of cracked brain." {^) He had one da., living 17 Dec. 1565, who d. young and v.p. V.G. (') He had bought this house, which had cost ^^14,000 to build, and land round it worth an equal sum, from the Marquess of Winchester for ;^3,ooo in 1575, but only paid j^2,ooo. V.G. (^ By this will she founded various almshouses in Tothill Fields, Westminster, which till quite recently formed an interesting historic relic there. She also endowed schools for girls and boys which are now of some importance. She is described in her epitaph as "Fasminei lux clara chori, pia, casta, pudica; sgris subsidium, pauperi- busque decus." V.G. (8) She inherited from Gregory the mansion of Hurstmonceaux. Ssef>ost, p. 14, note "a." V.G. C") This case is dealt with by J. H. Round in his Peerage and Pedigree, vol. i, pp. 89-92, where it is shown that, apart from her claim, Sampson Lennard was claiming to be summoned y«r(^ uxoris from as early as 1596. V.G. (') According to the inscription on their tomb in Chevening Church. The negotiations for this marriage were carried on while Margaret and her mother were at Barham Court, Teston, Kent, as "Paying Guests" of James Barham, i.e. between 12 Sep. 1563 and Apr. 1564. Mary, wife of James Barham, was related to Lord Dacre through her mother, Anne Fynes. {ex inform. R. G. FitzGerald-Uniacke). V.G. (') He was s. of John L., of Chevening, Kent((/. 12 Mar. 1 590/1), by Elizabeth, da. of William Harman, of Ellam, Crayford, Kent. V.G.