Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/270

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252 DESMOND cesser's death he proclaimed himself Earl,(^) but was not recognised as such by the English Govt, until later. He was present in the Pari, that recog- nised Henry VIII as King of Ireland. C") Having previously been rebel- lious, he made his peace and submitted to the English authorities, being made P.C. [I.] Feb. 1 540/1. Lord Treasurer [1.] 1542-51 and 1553-58. He m., istly, his great-niece Joan, da. of Maurice (Roche), Viscount Fermoy [I.], by Eleanor, da. of Sir Maurice Fitzjohn FitzGerald, yr. br. to him, the said 13th Earl. He, however, repudiated her on the ground of consanguinity and treated her issue as bastards. (') He m.^ 2ndly, before 1533, More,^) da. of Sir Maolrony O'Carroll, Lord of Ely O'Carroll, by Margery, da. of Turlogh O'Brien, Captain of Thomond, and Ellen, da. of Thomas Fitzjames (FitzGerald), the 7th Earl. She d. 1548. He m., 3rdly, before Feb. 1 549/50, Catherine, widow of Richard (Power), Baron le Power [I.], da. of Piers (Butler), Earl of Ossory and Ormond [I.], by Margaret, da. of Gerald (FitzGerald), Earl of Kildare [I.]. She, by whom he had no issue, d. at Askeaton, co. Limerick, 17 Mar. 1552/3. He m., 4thly, in 1553, Eveleen, sister of Donald, ist Earl of Clancare [I.], da. of Donald MacCarthy, son of Cormac Ladrach MacCarthy Mor.(^) He d. 14 Oct., and was bur. i Nov. 1558, in the Franciscan Friary at Askeaton. His widow m., as his first wife, Conor (O'Brien), 3rd Earl of Thomond, who d. Jan. 1 580/1. She d. in 1560, and was bur. in Muckruss Abbey. XIV. 1558 14. Gerald FitzJames (FitzGerald), Earl of to Desmond, called The Rebel Earl, who, if the issue of his 1582. father's ist wife are to be considered bastards, would have been heir of his father, being ist s. by the 2nd wife;/", about 1533; knighted at Waterford 30 Nov. 1558. He was recognized as Earl of Desmond, in the Pari, that sat at Dublin 12 Jan. 1559/60; app. a Com- missioner " for the exercise of the Queen's ecclesiastical jurisdiction " 9 June 1564. On the death of his ist wife (Ormond's mother), the hereditary feud between the Geraldines and Butlers broke out afresh; Desmond (while on a predatory expedition in the Decies) was surprised by the Earl of Ormond and defeated in a pitched battle at AfFane, co. Waterford, i Feb. 1564/5, where he was severely wounded and taken (») Letters and Papers, Hen. Fill, vol. xi, p. 90, letter from the Council of Ireland. V.G. C") As to his renunciation of his privilege to appear in Parliament and Great Councils by proxy, made in his Declaration of Allegiance, dat. 16 Jan. 1540/1, see ante, p. 247, note " b." V.G. (■=) See pedigree in Hayman's Unpublished Geraldine Documents. {^) "Mora ene Karweli, wife of the Earl of Desmond," had a grant of "English liberty," 21 June 1541. {Fiants, Hen. VIII). V.G. (') " Lady Ellen McCartie More, Countess of Desmond," da. of Donald McCartie, "otherwise called Lord McCartie More," had a grant of "English liberty," 4 Nov. 1555. {Fiants, Ph. and Mary). V.G.