Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/282

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264 DESPENSER sent to set in order the affairs of Gascony, 28 Feb. i3i9/20,(') and on missions to the King of France and the Pope in Mar. following.Q Was appointed Constable of Marlborough Castle, 2 May I32i.(') He was sum. for Military Service from 14 Mar. (1282/3) 11 Edw. I to 1 1 May (1322) 15 Edw. II, to attend the King at Shrewsbury, 28 June (1283) 1 1 Edw. I, to attend the King at Salisbury, 26 Jan. (1296/7) 25 Edw. I, to Councils from 8 Jan. (1308/9) 2 Edw. 11 to i July (13 17) 10 Edw. II, and to Pari, from 24 June (1295) 23 Edw. I to 14 Mar. (132 1/2) 15 Edw. II, by writs directed Hugoni le Despen5er,{^) whereby he is held to have become LORD LE DESPENSER.(') In May and June 132 1 the barons of the Welsh Marches and their adherents ravaged the lands of the younger Despenser in Wales and those of the elder throughout the country. C^) In Aug. of that year both Despensers were accused in Pari., chiefly on account of the son's misconduct,(^) of many misdeeds, viz., of accroach- ing to themselves royal power, counselling the King evilly, replacing good ministers by bad ones, ^c. Wherefore they were disinherited for ever (19 Aug.), and exiled from the realm, not to return without the assent of the King and Parl-O The elder Hugh accordingly retired to the Continent.(^) His lands were taken into the King's hand, 15 Sep. I32i.(^) He had letters of safe conduct for a year, 25 Dec. 1321.(8) The sentence on the Despensers was pronounced unlawful at a provincial council of the clergy about i Jan. 1321/2.(8) In Mar. following the elder Hugh accompanied the King against the contrariants, and was present at the judg- ment on the Earl of Lancaster. (^) The proceedings against the Despensers pericula. Nam secundum relatum aliquorum jam adivit Sanctum Jacobum quia timuit venire ad parliamentum." (Malmesber., p. 240). He really did go to Spain on the King's service in the spring of 131 9 (letters of protection, i Jan. 1318/9 till Michaelmas following — Patent Roll, 12 Edw. II, p. I, w. 5; cf. Close Roll, m. 14 d). (») Gascon Roll, 13 Edw. II, w. ii; Close Roll, m. 6 d; Roman Roll, mm. 6, 5: Patent Roll, 14 Edw. II, p. 2, m. 14. C") With the addition of seniori on and after 24 Mar. 1 31 3/4. (<=) As to the writs of 1283 and 1296/7 see Preface. (■*) Close Roll, 15 Edw. Il, w. 13 d schedule. Fifteen counties are mentioned, from Dorset eastwards as far as Surrey, and northwards as far as Yorkshire; in Wales ten castles were destroyed. The principal leaders were the Earl of Hereford, Roger de Mortimer of Wigmore, Roger de Mortimer of Chirk, Hugh Daudele the father, Hugh Daudele the son, John de Moubray, Roger Damory, Roger de Clifford, John Giffard of Brimsfield, Morice de Berkele, Henry le Tyes, and John Mautravers. Cf. Annales Paulini, p. 293, and Malmesber., pp. 254-7. (") The case against the Despensers is summed up by the Monk of Malmesbury (pp. 260-1), who is equally hostile to both. Most writers, however {Annales Paulini, p. 292, De la Moore, p. 299, is'c), concur in laying the principal blame on the son. (*) Close Roll, 1 5 Edw. II, mm. 30 d, 1 3 d schedule : Gesta Edwardi auct. Brid- lington., pp. 65-73. (e) Malmesber., p. 261: Fine Roll, 15 Edw. II, p. I, m. 23; Patent Roll, p. 1, m. 4; Close Roll, m. 21 d: Annales Paulini, p. 30 1. (•>)"... sedentibus ibidem comite Arundelli, domino Hugone Despenser patre, et Roberto de Malmesthorp, justiciario ad hoe assignato." {Annales Paulini, p. 302).