Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/289

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DESPENSER 271 ZoucHE DE Mortimer, of Ashby, co. Leicester [Lord Zouche], who (subsequently) married her. Soon afterwards this William, accompanied by her, was besieging her castle of Caerphilly, and orders for their arrest issued, 5 Feb. 1328/9. (^) She was imprisoned in the Tower and then in Devizes Castle, and though ordered to be released by the King and his Council, did not regain her liberty till after 6 Jan. i329/30,() William la Zouche d. 28 Feb. 1 336/7, ("") and was bur. in Tewkesbury Abbey.() She, who was his 2nd wife, was b. in Oct. 1292, at Caerphilly Castle, co. Glamorgan, (°) and d. 30 June 1337.0 in. 1338 I. Sir Hugh le Despenser, s. and h., aged about 18 to at his father's death. On 20 Oct. 1326 the King, then a 1349. fugitive at Chepstow, ordered him to seize the castles and goods of Henry of Lancaster at Grosmont, Skenfritn, taken into the King's hand, for a couple of months. {Fine Roll, 6 Edw. Ill, m. 20; Close Roll, m. 32). The Annales Paulini, p. 355, relate that the two barons, in Pari., "in presencia domini Regis dimicati sunt." See Grey of Rotherfield. (») Patent Roll, 3 Edw. Ill, p. 1, m. 36. () So her petition in 4 Edw. III. {Pari. Rolls, vol. ii, p. 58). She had been charged with having stolen from the Tower jewels and treasure of great value [these were probably her late husband's, his wardrobe having been there]. In the petition she stated that Roger de Mortimer, late Earl of March, had said openly that she would not be released till she and her husband had surrendered to the King her lands of Glamorgan and Morgannoc, and the manors of Hanley and Tewkesbury, which Roger coveted. Accordingly, by indenture dated 30 Dec. 3 Edw. Ill, they granted all these lands to the King {Ancient Deeds, A, no. 5782), the same to be restored to them on payment of ^50,000 in one day {en un iour), and they were pardoned 22 Feb. following. On 19 Jan. 1 330/1, after Mortimer had been hanged, they recovered the premises for a fine of ^^i 0,000, reduced 3 days afterwards to ^^5,000. On 13 Oct. 1335 they were pardoned a further 2,000 marks, but the fine was not paid in full during their lives. {Patent Rolls, 20 Edw. II, m. 4; 4 Edw. Ill, p. I, m. 42, p. 2, mm. 4, 3; 9 Edw. Ill, p. 2, m. l8: Close Rolls, 3 Edw. Ill, mm. 1 7 d, 3d; 4 Edw. Ill, mm. 5 d, 3d; 8 Edw. Ill, m. 34; 12 Edw. Ill, p. I, m. 37). (■=) Ch. Inq. p. m. (on WilHam la Zousche de Mortimer), Edw. Ill, file 50, no. 23. See Zouche de Mortimer. (^) "Anno domini 1335 [m] primo die Marcii obiit dominus Willelmus le Souch et sepultus est in capella beate Marie Theok' in medio." {Chron. of Tewkesbury, f. 226). (e) <4 Mccxcii. Die sancti dementis [23 Nov.] . . . Johanna comitissa Glou- cestrie in castro de Kaerfili post partum filie purificata." {Annales de IVigornia, /. 5 1 1 ). This necessarily refers to Alianore. " Alianora que fuit uxor Hugonis le Despenser." Writ of diem cl. ext. 9 July II Edw. III. Inq., CO. Gloucester, 20 July 1337. " Dicunt eciam quod Hugo le Despenser filius predicte Alianore est heres ejusdem Alianore propinquior et est etatis xxvj annorum et amplius Item dicunt . . . quod predicta Alianora obiit ultimo die Junii annopredicto." Inq., cos. Worcester, Gloucester, Oxford, 16, 18, 19 July I337- Heir, aged 28 and more, or 29 and more, as before. (Ch. Inq. p.m., Edw. Ill, file 51, no. 12). The Chronicle of Tewkesbury gives the same date for her death.