Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/293

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DESPENSER 275 Eyworth, Beds, West Winterslow, Wilts, Essendine, Rutland, &c.,{-') by Anne (who was m. at Groby, 20 Apr. 1335, and d. 8 Aug. I367),() da. of Sir William de Ferrers, of Groby, co. Leicester [Lord Ferrers], (") which last named Edward was 2nd son of Hugh le Despenser the younger, and d. v.f.y 30 Sep. I342.() He was b. and bap. 24 Mar. 1335/6, at Essen- dine.C) He accompanied the Prince of Wales to Gascony in Sep. 1355, and was in the skirmish at Romorantin in Sologne and at the battle of Poitiers: he was then a knight. (*) He had livery of his uncle's lands. (*) These manors, by virtue of divers fines, had reverted to the elder Edward in 1334, on the death of Idoine de Leybourne, wife of John de Crumbewelle. {Clou Roll, 8 Edw. Ill, m. 7). (*>) "Anna que fuit uxor Edwardi le Despenser." Writ o{ diem cl. ext. 15 Oct. 41 Edw. III. Inq., Wilts, 4 Nov. 1367/8. "Et dicunt quod dictum manerium [Wynterslewe] est de hereditate Edwardi le Despenser filii preJictorum Edwardi et Anne et est etatis xxv annorum et amplius et est propinquior heres predict! Edwardi le Despenser patris sui Dicunt eciam . . . quod predicta Anna . . . obiit viij die August! ultimo preterito." (Ch. Inq. p. m., Edw. Ill, file 193, no. 17: Exch. Ing. p. m., I, file 22, no. I 3). On the Close Roll (48 Edw. Ill, m. 1 1), Anne is said to have been wife of Sir Thomas de Ferrers (of Moor End and Plumpton, Northants), but this is an error. {Cf. Close Roll, 26 Edw. Ill, m. 23 d). For this Thomas, who was really br. of Anne, see Le Straunge of Whitchurch. C^) Dugdale and other genealogists say that Anne was da. of (her br.) Henry de Ferrers of Groby, whose wife, Isabel de Verdun, was b. 21 Mar. 131 6/7, and is thus represented to have been a grandmother at the age of 19. (•*) " Edwardus le Despenser." Writs of diem cl. ext. 28 Oct. 16 Edw. in England and 3 in France. Inq., Wilts, Notts, 22 Nov. 1342 and Wednesday after Epiphany [8 Jan.] 1342/3. "... die Lune in crastino sancti Michaelis ultimo preterito . . . idem Edwardus diem clausit extremum . . . Edwardus filius predicti Edwardi est proximus heres et fuit etatis quinque annorum ad festum Annunciacionis beate Marie ultimum elapsum [et etatis sex annorum — co. JP^'ilts]." Inq., cos. Bedi, Bucks, York, Thursday and Friday before St. Martin [7, 8 Nov.] 1 342, and Thursday after Epiphany [9 Jan.] 1342/3. Heir, aged 5, or 5 and more, as before. Inq., cos. Lincoln and Rutland, 18 Jan. 1342/3. (Ch. Inq. p. m., Edw. Ill, file 67, no. 3). The will, not registered, "quondam domini Edwardi le Despencer militis defuncti," was pr. at Elsham, xij kal. marcii 1342 [18 Feb. 1342/3]. [Lincoln Reg., vol. vii, f 209V). (=) Writ de etate probanda 1 8 July 30 Edw. in England and 17 in France. " Probacio etatis Edwardi filii Edwardi le Despenser consanguine! et heredis Hugonis le Despenser defuncti," Essendine, Sunday after St. Peter ad vinculo [7 Aug.] 1356. "... quidam Edwardus le Despenser pater predicti Edwardi filii Edwardi despon- savit quandam Annam filiam Willelmi de Ferarr' militis apud Groby in comitatu Leyc' XX die Aprilis anno regni regis E. tercii post conquestum Anglie ix° de qua quedam Anna idem Edwardus procreavit prefatum Edwardum filium Edwardi Et idem Edwardus filius Edwardi nascebatur apud Esynden' in comitatu predicto [Rotel'] xxiiij° die Marcii videlicet in vigilia Annunciacionis beate Marie anno regni regis nunc Anglie x" Et in ecclesia sancte Marie Magdalene de Esynden' eodem die baptizatus." (Ch. Inq. p. m., Edw. Ill, file 135, no. lo). (^ Gascon Rolls, 29 Edw. Ill, m. 2; 30 Edw. Ill, m. i: Froissart, lib. i, cap. 156, 160.