Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/296

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278 DESPENSER 1409, and was bur. in Tewkesbury Abbey.C) Will dat. 4 July 1409, pr. at Lambeth, 10 Aug. i409.() V. 1375 2 or 5. Thomas (le Despenser), Lord Despenser or to LE Despenser, 3rd but ist surv. s. and h.,(') b. 22 Sep. 1400. 1373- He went to Scotland with the King in 1385, C*) and accompanied the Earl of Arundel, then Admiral, in the naval campaign of 1388. (*) Had licence to go to Prussia with the Duke of Gloucester, 20 May I39i.("") On 7 Mar. 1393/4, when under age, he received a grant of full livery of all his lands, having however to pay rent therefor: grant repeated i May following. (') Being about to sail with the King to Ireland, he was released from the said rent, 10 Sep. 1394, although he was still under age: his homage and fealty being respited. (') He was one of the eight persons, suborned by the King, who appealed of treason the Lords Appellants, viz., the Duke of Gloucester and the Earls of Arundel and Warwick, in Pari., 21 Sep. I397-C) He was in consequence after. Corpus C/iristi [30 May, I, 4 June] 1369. " Et dicunt quod idem Bartholo- meus obiit quinto die Aprilis ultimo elapso et quod Elizabetha filia ejus uxor Edwardi le Spencer est heres ejus propinquior et etatis xxvij annorum et amplius." Inq., Wilts, March of Wales, 24 Apr. and 10 May 1369. Date of death, and heir, aged 24 and more, as before. Inq., co. Leicester, Saturday the Feast of St. Michael [29 Sep.] 1369. No date of death: heir, aged 24, as before. Inq., Dublin, Thurs- day after St. Peter ad vinculo [2 Aug.] 1369. Date of death, 4 Apr.: heir, aged 26, as before. (Ch. /«y./>. w., Edw. Ill, file 206, no. 14: Exch. /«y. />. w., I, file 30, no. 13). (^) "Et domina Elizabetha . . . permansit in viduitate sua . . . fere xxxiij annis. Et obiit die sancte Anne anno domini 1409 et sepulta est infra chorum Theok' in sinistra viri sui sub lapide marmoreo." {Chron. of Tewkeihury, f. 227V), " Elizabetha qui fuit uxor Edwardi iiuper domini Ledespenser chivaler defuncti." Writs of dietn cl. ext. to the escheators in Kent and Sussex, 5 Aug. [Fine Roll, 10 Hen. IV, m. 23). () Lambeth Reg., Arundel ii, fF. 108 v-iog. " Elizabethe de Burgherssh' dame Ladespenser . . . men' corps destre enterre en lesglise de nostre dame de Teukesbury parentre mon' seignur Edwarde Sir le Despenser et mon' fitz Sir Thomas le Despenser." Her seal, attached to a deed dated 9 Mar. 2 Hen. IV, bears a shield per pale: dexter, Despenser: sinister, [Gules], a lion rampant, tail forked [Or], Burghersh. Above the shield a griffin couchant. Legend, "le: Seal: elizabet: dame: la: despensere." (Harl. Charter, no. 56, D30: Cast, Brit. Mus., Ixxxv, no. 39). (') " Edwardus vero 2"^ . . . copulavit sibi in matrimonium dominam Eliza- betham filiam domini Bartholomei de Borowashe, de qua genuit Edwardum tercium qui obiit duodenus apud Kardif sed apud Theok' sepelitur in capella sancte Marie, et Hugonem 4""° qui obiit cito postquam natus erat et sepelitur cum fratre suo. Deinde genuit iiij" filias . . . Et predictus Edwardus in ultima etate sua genuit Thomam le Despenser et [i/V] comitem Glowc'." [Chron. of Tewkesbury, f. 227). {^) Froissart, lib. ii, cap. 169. («) Patent Rolls, II Ric. II, /. 2, w. 28; 14 Ric. II, />. 2, w. 13; 17 Ric. II, i. 2, mm. 29, 3; 18 Ric. II, p. I, mm. 22, 17. (*) Pari. Rolls, vol. iii, pp. 374-380. The eight were, the Earls of Rutland, Kent, Huntingdon, Nottingham, Somerset, Salisbury, the Lord Despenser, and William le Scrope, Chamberlain. They were mostly very young men, and dressed