Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/300

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282 DESPENSER The following persons would have been entitled to the Barony of le Despenser but for the attainder in 1400. Richard le Despenser, only s. and h. of the last Lord, b. 30 Nov. 1396. On the death, 26 July 1409, of his grand- ^d 'A^ mother, Elizabeth (de Burghersh), Lady la Despenser, any hereditary Barony of Burghersh, that may be supposed to have existed, became vested in him. He d. s.p., 7 Oct. 1414, aged nearly 18. Isabel la Despenser, only surv. sister(^) and h., b. 26 July 1400. She »2., istly, Richard (de Beauchamp), Earl of Worcester and Lord Abergavenny, who d. s.p.m. in Mar. 142 1/2. She »;., 2ndly, as 2nd wife, Richard (de Beauchamp), Earl OF Warwick, who 1:/. 30 Apr. 1439. She^'. 27Dec. 1439. Henry de Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick, only s. and h. of his mother, by her 2nd husband. He was b. 22 Mar. 1424/5, and sue. his father as Earl of Warwick in 1439. On 5 Apr. 1445 he was cr. Duke of Warwick. He d. s.p.m., 1 1 June 1446. Anne, suo jure Countess of Warwick, only da. and h., b. 13 or 14 Feb. 1443/4. She d. 3 June 1449, when any hereditary Baronies of Burghersh and {subject to the attainder) le Despenser, that may be supposed to have existed, fell into II The coheirs were (i) George (Neville), Lord Abergavenny, s. and h. of Edward, Lord Abergavenny, by Elizabeth, elder da. of Isabel (la Despenser) abovenamed, and her only child by her ist husband, Richard, Earl of Worcester. (2) Anne, suo jure Countess of Warwick, wife of Richard (Neville), Earl of Salisbury and Warwick, and yr. da. of the said Isabel, being her only da. by her 2nd husband, Richard, Earl of W^arwick. See Abergavenny, and Warwick, Earldom of, cr. 1450. [The attainder of this Barony in the person of Thomas, Lord le Despenser, in 1400, was reversed in 1461 [i Edw. IV], but the right to it (together with the right to the Barony of Burghersh) was at that time in abeyance and continued so until 1 6o4,() when it was allowed as under.] (») There was an elder sister, Elizabeth, who d. young, and was bur. at Cardiff, according to the Chronicle of Tewkesbury. C") "If the proceedings relative to the claim of Lady Fane, in 1 603, admit or any positive inference, it would appear that it was then held that the Barony of Despenser had been solely vested in Elizabeth, the daughter of Isabel, by her first