Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/31

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DACRE 15 [Charles Lennard, styled Lord Dacre, ist s. and h. ap., bap. at Windsor Castle, Whitsun Eve, 3 June 1682, Charles II being sponsor. He d. v.p., 13 Mar. 1 683/4.0] XVI. 1741. 16. Anne, jtto_;«rf Baroness Dacre, 2nd and yst. da., who, on the death s.p., of her sister, Barbara, wife of Charles Skelton (Lieut. Gen. in the French Service), at Paris, in 1741, inherited that title as sole surv. h. to her father. She was b. 17 Aug. 1684, and became a Rom. Cath. in 1698. She m., istly, 15 June 171 6, at St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, her 2nd cousin, Richard Barrett, s. and h. ap. of Dacre Barrett (who d. i Jan. 1724/5), of Belhus, in Aveley, Essex, who was s. and h. of Richard Barrett C") (who ^.28 Apr. 1696, at Belhus), of the same, a yr. s. (being only s. by the 2nd wife) of Richard Lennard, 13th Lord Dacre above mentioned. He, who was b. Oct. 1682, and ed. at Eton, June 1 692-1 700, d'. of the smallpox, v.p., 24 Dec. 171 6, in London, but 6 months after his marriage, and was bur. at Aveley. She m., 2ndly, Mar. 1 7 17/8 (as his 3rd wife), Henry (Roper), 8th Baron Teynham. He d. 16 May 1723, and was bur. at Linsted, Kent. She m., 3rdly, 16 Oct. 1725, at St. James's, Westm., the Hon. Robert Moore, of West Lodge, Enfield Chase, yr. s. of Henry, 3rd Earl of Drogheda [I.], for which marriage (she being "a Papist") he reed, pardon 3 Feb. 1725/6 (enrolled 6 June 1727). He, who was bap. 11 Apr. 1688, at St. Margaret's, Westm., was M.P. for CO. Louth 1 713-14, and for Belfast 1715-27, and was bur. 5 Oct. 1762, at Reading, where he had been in gaol.('^) She d. 26 June, and was bur. 3 July 1755, at St. Anne's, Westm., aged 70.() XVII. 1755. 17. Thomas (Barrett-Lennard), Lord Dacre, s. and h., b. 20 Apr. 1 7 1 7, posthumous child of ist husband. On the death of his grandfather, Dacre Barrett, i Jan. 1724/5, he, being then at school at Greenwich, inherited his estates in Norfolk, Ireland, and in Essex, (") His only br., Henry, also d. an infant. V.G. (*") He, who had inherited the manor of Horsford, Norfolk, from his father (see under Joan, Baroness Dacre, 1458-86), inherited the estate of Belhus, in Aveley, Essex, in 1644, on condition of assuming the name of Barrett, under the will of his 2nd cousin once removed, Edward (Barrett), Baron Newburgh [S.], 3rd in descent from George Barrett, and Elizabeth, only da. and h. of Thomas Dineley, from which Elizabeth, he himself, through his father's mother, Chrysogona, da. of Sir Richard Baker, s. of Sir John B., by the said Elizabeth, was 4th in descent. See under Henry, Lord Dacre, 1612-16. G.E.C. and V.G. (■=) See The Families of Lennard and Barrett, ut supra, pp. 5 6 1-2. The date given for his death in the Peerages is 3 July 1728. V.G. i^) She, who was a lady of fashion, and a great gambler, sold in conjunction with her sister, the estate of Chevening, Kent, to Lord Stanhope, 15 June I 71 7, for £28,000. She also disposed of Dacre Castle and other estates in Cumberland, V.G.