Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/313

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DE TABLEY 295 i8o7;(^) High Sheriff of Cheshire 1804-05. He was, 10 [uly 1826 cr BARON DE TABLEY OF TABLEY HOUSE.C) co. Chester. He w., 10 Nov. 1 8 10 (spec, lie), in Hampton Court Palace, Georgina Maria, yst. da. of Josiah Cottin, Lieut. Col. in the Army, by Lavinia, da. of Sir William Chambers, the celebrated architect. He d. 18 June 1827, at Tabley House, aged 65, and was bur. at Great Budworth, co. Chester. Will pr. July 1827. His widow, who was ^.28 Feb. 1794, m. (or went through the form of marriage with), 10 July 1828 (as his ist wife), her late husband's nephew, the Rev. Frederic Leicester, M.A.,("=) who d. 16 Apr. 1873, aged 70. She d. 5 Nov. 1859, at Brighton, aged 65. n. 1827. 2. George Fleming (Leicester, ^y/fnf«r^j Warren), Baron de Tabley of Tabley House, tfc, s. and h., b. 28 Oct. 1 8 II, at Tabley House; ed. at Eton, and at Ch. Ch., Oxford. By Royal lie, 18 Feb. 1832, he took the name of JVarren in lieu of that of Leicester., under the will (1826) of his cousin, the Dowager Viscountess Bulkeley [L], on inheriting her Lancashire estates. ('^) A Lord in Waiting 1853-58, and 1859-66; Treasurer of the Household, 1868-72; P.C. 4 Feb. 1869.0 He w., istly, 21 June 1832, at Dunlear, Catharina Barbara, ist da. of Jerome, Count de Salis-Saglio, by his 3rd wife, Henrietta, da. of the Right Rev. William Foster, Bishop of Kilmore. She d. 20 Feb. 1869, (*) He supported Pitt during the Revolutionary War, but was hardly a party man. V.G. (•>) "A tautologous designation that was sufficiently unmeaning," made according to the 19th century fashion of inventing "Victorian Gothic" titles. See Her. and Gen., vol. i, p. 151, and see ante, p. 37, note " b," sub de Grey. He was a liberal patron of the fine arts, was an amateur artist, and interested in ornithology. (■=) " Mr. Leicester, nephew to the late Lord de Tabley, was married about 5 weeks ago to his aunt, Lady de Tabley, who expects to be confined next month! His Diocesan, the Bishop of Lichfield, has given him notice he shall eject him from his living for marrying his aunt." (T. Creevey, i Sep. 1828). V.G. (•*) This lady, Elizabeth Harriet, was the da. and sole h. of Sir George Warren, K.B., s. and h. and only child that left issue of Edward Warren, the only son that left issue of another Edward Warren, all of Poynton, co. Chester. This last named Edward had, besides his said son, a da. Anna Dorothea, who m. Sir Daniel Byrne, 2nd Bart. [I. 1671], and was mother of Sir John Byrne, 3rd Bart., the father of the 4th Bart., and grandfather of the 5th Bart., the 1st Baron de Tabley. This nobleman was therefore on the death, s.p., of the Viscountess, 23 Feb. 1826, the representative of the Warren family of Poynton, but the old lady chose to leave Poynton Hall and the vast Cheshire estate to a stranger in blood, viz., to Frances Maria, Baroness Vernon, da. and h. of Admiral Sir John Borlase Warren, Bart., G.C.B., who by a fraudulent pedigree (printed in Watson's Ear/s of Warren and Surrey) is represented as her tenth cousin, once removed. See Her. and Gen., vol. viii, pp. 65-80 (at p. 76); as also vol. vii, pp. 193-219. (=) Originally a Conservative, he voted for Protection in 1845 3"^ for Free Trade in 1846, became a Peelite after 1846, and from 1855 voted regularly with the Liberals and held office under Liberal premiers, though remaining a member of the Carlton Club. V.G.