Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/315

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DEVEREUX 297 1372/3.0 He assisted the Duke of Brittany in his campaign in that province in I375.(') On 20 May 1377 the Prince of Wales gave him 200 marks a year for life, for his services during the Prince's journey into Spain and in the wars in Guienne.C") On the accession of Richard II he was appointed a member of the Council constituted to act during the King's minority, 20 July 1 377.0 Was appointed Constable of Leeds Castle, Kent, during the King's pleasure, i Mar. 1377/8, and for life, 13 Mar. following.^ The Duke of Brittany granted him 100 marks a year for life, in 1379 or 1380.0 He was appointed Captain of the town of Calais, 17 Jan. i379/8o,(') supervisor of the castles and fortalices In the parts of Calais and Guines, 17 Apr. 1381,0 and acommissioner to treat with the King of France, 20 May and 16 Dec. 1381.O He had licences, 24 Mar. 138 1/2 and 11 Apr. 1382, to acquire for life, with remainders to his wife and two children, the priories of Frampton, Panfield, and Wells, from the Abbey of St. Etienne at Caen, and the priory of Newent from the Abbey of Cormeilles, paying therefor ^246 ly. ^d. [370 marks] yearly to the Exchequer during the war with France. O He was appointed a commissioner to treat with the Count of Flanders and the Flemings, i June 1383,0 and with the King of France and the Count of Flanders, i^c, 4 Nov. 1383. He was sum. to Pari. 28 Sep. (1384) 8 Ric. II to 23 Nov. (1392) 16 Ric. II, by writs directed Johanni Devereux, whereby he is held to have become LORD DEVEREUX. C") The payment of 310 of the 370 marks mentioned above was remitted, 10 Sep. 1385, because the King had made him a (») Froissart, lib. i, cap. 313, 323: Cuvelier, Chron. de Du GuescUn: &c. C") The Prince's letters patent were dated at Berkhampstead, 20 May 51 Edw. Ill, and the Prince on his death-bed ordered the charge to be assigned, it not having been assigned. It was accordingly made on some fee farm rents for the castles and lands of Montgomery and Builth, (ifc. [Patent Roll, i Ric. II, p. i, mm. 17, 7). (=) The members elected were " Les honorables piers en Dieu, William euesque de Londres et Rauf euesque de Saresbirs: Noz cheres et foialx cosyns, Esmon conte de la Marche et Richard conte Darundel: Et noz cheres et foialx, William sire Latymer et Johan sire de Cobeham, barons, Roger de Beauchamp et Richard de Stafford, baneretz, et Johan Knyvet, Rauf de Ferreres, Johan Devereux, et Hugh de Segrave, bachilers." [Patent Roll, 1 Ric. II, p. I, m. 16). As Roger de Beauchamp and Richard de Stafford were each sum. to Pari, "as a Baron " — 1363 to 1379 and 1371 to 1379 respectively — it follows that in 1377 the status of a baron was not conferred by a summons to Pari. Cf. -p. 121 of this volume, note "a." (^) Patent Rolls, I Ric. 11,/.. 4, mm. 33, 31 ; 4 Ric. II, p. I, m. 19: Ch. Prtvy Seals, I, file 455, nos. 257, 276; file 467, no. 1426. His salary was looj. a year, charged on the manor of Leeds. (=) Patent Roll, 5 Ric. II, p. I , mm. 16, 12. The grant was dated Thursday before the Nativity of St. John the Baptist 3 Ric. II, i.e., 23 June 1379 or 21 June 1380. (') French Roll, 3 Ric. II, m. 16. His successor was appointed 15 Sep. 1 383. [Idem, 7 Ric. II, m. 20). (B) French Rolls, 4 Ric. II, mm. 11, 4; S Ric II, m. j; 6 Ric. II, m. i ; 7 Ric. II, mm. 17, 15: Patent Roll, 5 Ric. II, p. 2, mm. 19, 9. C") As to the spelling of the name, there is a document of a very scarce species, being a letter from the Keeper of the Chancery Rolls to Piers de Courtcnay, the 38