Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/327

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DEVON 309 Normans. After the death of his father (who was murdered by the sons of Giroie), he and his br., Richard (ancestor of the family of Clare), took refuge at the Court of the Count of Flanders. Duke William after- wards restored to Baldwin, Meules and Sap, and to Richard, Bienfaite and Orbec, portions of their father's lands. Baldwin received from the Conqueror some 160 lordships in Devon, Hemington, Porlock, and Apley, Somerset, and Iwerne, Dorset: Okehampton was the capital seat of his barony. He was Sheriff of Devon, 1080-1086, and probably till his death. (") He tn. Emma [or Auberee], first cousin, or niece, of King William !.() He d. in I090.() William fitz Baldwin, Lord of Okehampton, Sheriff of Devon in I096,(^) s. and h. [i.e., heir to the barony of Okehampton, but his br., Robert, was perhaps the eldest son]. He d. s.p. Richard fitz Baldwin, Lord of Okehampton, Sheriff of Devon, br. and h. (or eventually h.). He founded an Abbey at Brightley, Devon, and dying s.p., was bur. there 25 June ii37.(') His body was trans- ferred to Ford, when the Abbey was removed to that place, a few vears later.(') Richard de Reviers, Seigneur de Reviers, Vernon, and Ninoc, in Normandy. (') His parentage is unknown, but he has been conjectured (*) He witnessed the Conqueror's charter of foundation of the Abbey of Lessay, 14 July 1080, as "Baldwinus vicecomes Essecestre." In Domesday he is called Baldwin of Exeter, or Baldwin the Sheriff. (*>) Robert fitz Baldwin is made to say by Ordericus (lib. viii, cap. 13) that Duke William gave Meules and Sap to the said Baldwin, with his (the Conqueror's) aunt's da. {filiam amite sue) to wife : Ordericus adds that Baldwin's sons were Robert, William, and Richard (and Viger, a bastard). The Chron. of Tintern [Monaiticon, vol. V, p. 269) mentions these 3 sons (placing William first), and 3 daughters. " Bald- winus de Brioniis . . . Albredam neptem domini Willelmi bastardi nobilissimi Duels Normannie duxit in uxorem : ex qua dictus Baldwinus genuit inter alios unum filium dictum Ricardum et unam filiam nuncupatam Adeliciam." [Chron. of Ford, in Monasticon, vol. v, p. 377). Charter of Henry II, confirming to the Abbey of Bee, "De dono Willelmi filii Baldewini in Angiia Cuwic et Exewic ... Ex dono Emme uxoris Baldewini filii Comitis Gileberti et filiorum ejus Roberti et Ricardi manerium quod vocatur Bradeford' in Devon' . . . De dono Ricardi filii Baldewini Cristenestowe.'" [Impeximus on Charter Roll, 12 Hen. Ill, m. ii). Baldwin son of Count Gilbert, and Emma his wife, occur in a charter to the Abbey of La Trinit^ at Caen. (R.O. Transcripts, ii, no. 140 B, vol. iii, p. 195). (') This is implied by Ordericus, lib. viii, cap. 17. [^) Monasticon, vol. ii, p. 497 ; vol. iii, p. 377. His br., Robert, was living at Christmas iioi. (Round, Feudal England, p. 472). (') Chron. of Ford. He d. in 1 136, according to R. de Monte, p. 131- His successor in the shrievalty was his sister, Adelise. Reviers, on the Seulles, in the Bessin : Vernon, on the Seine, in the Vexin normand : N^hou, near St. Sauveur le Vicomte, in the Cotentin.