Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/331

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DEVON 313 1155-57. He m. Denise, da. and coh. of Reynold, Earl of Cornwall, by . . ., da. and h. of William fitz Richard. He d. 21 or 27 Apr. ii62.(*) His wife survived him-C") Both were bur. in Christ Church, Twynham. III. 1 162. 3. Baldwin (de Reviers), Earl of Devon, Lord of THE Isle of Wight, s. and h.,^ a minor at his father's death. He appears to have been invested with the Earldom in 11 85 or ii86.('^) He m. Denise, da. and h. of Raoul, last Prince de Deols {i.e., du Bas Berry),(°) Seigneur de Chateauroux in Berry, by Agnes (heiress of the castle and ch^tellenie of Meillant), da. of Ebbes V, Seigneur multum dilexit et quam Ricardus de Redveriis avus meus fundavit maneria de Lodres de Axemuha et de Wicha . . . Prefatam abbaciam multum diligo et ipsos monachos tum quia avus meus illam fundavit turn quia ipse ibi jacet multique antecessores et amici mei . . ." (Printed in Delisle's edit, of R. de Monte, vol. i, p. 338, note), (ii) Charter of "Ricardus de Redveriis Comes Deon'," dated 1161, to the canons of Christ Church of Twynham, "quos Baldewynus Comes pater meus et ego ... in eandem christi ecclesiam primo introduximus . . . Testibus Henrico et Willelmo fratribus meis . . ." {Cartulary of Tiuynham, f. 13V; Inspeximus on Charter Roll, 1 Edw. II, m. 9). (iii) " Ego Ricardus Devonie Comes universitati vestre notum fieri volo quod pro remedio anime mee et uxoris mee Dionisic meorumque parentum defunctorum videlicet patris mei Baldewini Comitis et matris mee Adeline necnon et nobilissimi Henrici Regis qui terram antecessoribus meis dedit . . . donacionem pie memorie patris mei Baldewini Comitis Devon' de terris Walter! cum capella sancti Jacobi extra civitatem Exon' sita quam fecit monachis Clun' ibidem deo . . . servien- tibus . . . concessi et inrevocabiliter confirmavi . . ." {Memoranda Roll, K.R., 2 Hen. IV, m. I5d). (*) "Ricardus de Revers dominus Insule Vecte in Anglia moritur relinquens ex filia Rainaldi Comitis Cornubie parvulum filium nomine Balduinum." (R. de Monte, ad annum Z Wen. l). "21 Apr. Ricardus Comes." {Obituary of Lyre). "27 Apr. Ricardus secundus Comes de Reveriis." {Obituary of Montebourg). He received ^1% ts. 8d. numero each year from the third penny of co. Devon from 2 to 8 Hen. II, and not afterwards. {P'pi Rolls). C") "Et debet xx li. et vi s. et viij d. blancorum que remanent super Cassewell' quam Comitissa Dionisa tenuit." {Pipe Roll, 26 Hen. II, p. 89). (') (i) " Ego Comes Baldewinus de Redveriis filius Ricardi Comitis dedi . . . deo et canonicis christi ecclesie de Twynham illam virgatam terre ... in manerio meo de Limynton' . . . Hiis testibus Ricardo fratre meo . . ." (ii) " Ego Comes Baldewynus de Redveriis filius Ricardi Comitis concessi . . . donaciones et confirmaciones quas antecessores mei scilicet Comes Baldewynus avus meus et Ricardus Comes pater meus fecerunt ecclesie sancte Trinitatis de Twynham." {Cartulary of Twynham, fF. 82, 22). C^) He is called Baldewinui de Redven in the Pipe Roll of 31 Hen. II, and Comes Baldewinus de Redvers in that of 32 Hen. II. {^) In II 76 Raoul, last Prince of Dtels, qui erat ditissimus baronum Regis Anglic in Berria, died, leaving an only da. and h., aged 3 years. In Oct. 1177 Henry II took Chateauroux from those who were withholding the lands and the heiress, and sent her to Chinon. (Benedictus, vol. i, pp. 127, 132, 195: Cf. R. de Diceto, vol. i, p. 425). The lands of her inheritance were said to be worth as much as the whole of Normandy. (R. de Monte, p. 274.). 40