Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/334

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3i6 DEVON CoRNWALL.(") She was living i May 1204. He ^. 8 or 10 Sep. I2i7,() and was bur. in Christ Church, Twynham (some say, at Tiverton). [Baldwin de Reviers, s. and h. ap., b. after 28 Apr. I200.(') He m. Margaret, da. and h. of Warin fitz Gerold, the King's Chamberlain, by Alice (to whom she was coh.), sister and h. of William de Curcy, and da. of another William de Curcy, both of Stogursey, Somerset, Irby, co. Lincoln, i^c. He d. i Sep. I2i6,() aged 16 or less. His widow was immediately afterwards forced by King John (who d. 1 8 Oct.) to marry the notorious Faukes de Breaute, a Norman,(') at whose downfall, in 1224, perseveret presentem [paginam or cartam] sigilli mei munimine roboravi Actum [est] hoc anno domini m°CC° quarto die beatorum Apostolorum Philippi et Jacobi prima die Maii." (La Roque, Maison de Harcourt, vol. iv, preuves, p. 1 966, from the Cartulary of the Priory of Beaulieu). (») " Duxit autem idem Robertus [Comes Mellenti] filiam Rainaldi Comitis Cornubiensis." (R. de Monte, p. 227, ad annum n66). The Count appears to have had no other wife, though others have been attributed to him. Maud was un- doubtedly mother of the Countess of Devon. (•>) "Anno itaque sequenti [mccxvii] quarto idus Septembris." (fihron. of Ford). " Rex W. Briwerr' juniori salutem Sciatis quod W. Comes de Insula mortuus est sicut pro certo didicimus :" 12 Sep. {Patent Roll, i Hen. Ill, m. 3). " 8 Sep. Willel- mus Comes." {Obituary of Lyre). if) This date obviously demands ample proof, ^y his charter the King gave to Pierre de Preaux the islands of Jersey, Guernsey, and Alderney, and 60 libratcs of land ill Alton [Hants], yc, to hold by the service of a fee of 3 knights, "donee comitatus de Insula deveniat ad eum cum filia et herede Willelmi Comitis de Insula quam eidem Petro concessimus vel quousque in alio maritagio ei ad grantum nostrum et suum pro- viderimus": 14 Jan. {Charter Roll, I Joh.,/>. 2, m. 28). The marriage here contemplated took place : Pierre was dead in 121 3, when his widow [Mary] had become the wife of Robert de Courtenay. On 28 Apr. 1200 the King confirmed a convention made between William de Vernon, Earl of Devon, and Hubert de Burgh, the Chamberlain, concerning the marriage of Joan, the Earl's yr. da., whom tiie Earl had given in marriage to Hubert : vi-z., " quod idem Comes assignavit filie sue priori natu capud honoris sui in Devon' cum castello de Plinton' cum esnescya et cum racionabili parte que earn contingit de hereditate sua Johanne vero filie sue juniori assignavit totam insulam de Wicth' et Cristeschirche cum racionabili parte que eam contingit de here- ditate sua ... Si vero contingat ipsum Comitem heredem masculum habere de uxore sua tunc remanebunt eidem Huberto Lx libratas terre et feudum decem militum in maritagium cum predicta Johanna in loco competenti." {Idem, ?n. 6). The marriage here arranged did not take place, and Joan married William Briwere the younger, who died s.p. in 1232/3, leaving her a widow. It is certain from the foregoing that Baldwin, s. and h. ap. of William de Vernon, was born after 28 Apr. 1200, and consequently that his s. and h., born previous to his death, i Sep. i 2 1 6, or at all events before 1 8 Oct. following, could not have been much more than 16 years younger than himself. C^) " Kalendas Septembris Mccxvi mortc prereptus est." {Chron. of Ford). " I Sep. Balduwinus filius Comitis Insule." {Obituary of Lyre). (») On 13 Nov. 1 2 16 the Sheriff of Somerset was ordered to give to Faukes de Breaut^ seizin of the manor of Stogurcey " quod contingit uxorem suam quam habet de dono patris domini Regis." On 30 Mar. 1 217/8 Faukes and Margaret were