Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/336

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3i8 DEVON she was captured, or rather rescued, on the surrender of Bedford Castle, 14 Aug.(^) Directly after this she demanded that her marriage should be annulled, as she had been taken prisoner in time of war and married to Faukes without her consent. (*) He was sentenced to exile for ever, and was given letters of conduct, 26 Oct. 1224, to quit the realm as soon as possible: the Earl of Warenne being ordered to take him to the sea-coast, and, having put him on board ship, to commit him to the winds and the sails. Q He proceeded to Rome to obtain the Pope's assistance to recover his lands and his wife with her dower, and d. on his return thence, after II July 1226, at St. Cyriac in Languedoc.(') Margaret d. shortly before 29 Sep. I252,() and was bur. in the Church of the Grey Friars, London. ("=)] VI. 12 1 7. 6. Baldwin (de Reviers), Earl of Devon, Lord or THE Isle of Wight, grandson and h., being s. and h. of Baldwin de Reviers, by Margaret, his wife, both above-named. He was knighted by the King, and invested with the Earldom of Devon, 25 Dec. 1239, at Winchester. C^) He accompanied the Earl of Cornwall to the Holy Land in June I240,() and was with the King in Gascony in 1242.0 assigned the honour and castle of Plympton and all the land which the Earl of the Isle had held in co. Devon, as her dower. Faukes was given the third penny of co. Devon, as the late Earl had been wont to receive it, 19 June 12 19. On 13 and 21 Mar. 1223/4 he was ordered to give up the castle of Plympton, because " Certi enim sumus quod castrum illud est capud honoris Comitis Devonie in Devonia et hac racione non potest nee debet uxor vestra illud in dotem habere." [Close Rolls, i Hen. Ill, rn. 25; 3 Hen. Ill, m. 8: Patent Rolls, 2 Hen. Ill, ;w. 5 ; 8 Hen. Ill, mm. lO, 9). (») M. Paris, vol. iii, pp. 87, 94 : Annales de Dunstaplia, pp. 88-9 : Patent Roll, 8 Hen. Ill, m. 2 : Papal Letters, vol. i, p. 11 2. C') Writ to the escheator to take the lands late of Margaret de Ripariis into the King's hand, dated 29 Sep. {Fine Roll, 36 Hen. Ill, ?n. 3). M. Paris (vol. v, p. 323) says that she d. "sexto nonas [? kalendas] Octobris," adding, "quondam uxor Falcasii cruentissimi proditoris. Copulabatur tamen eidem ignobili nobilis, pia impio, turpi speciosa, invita et coacta, tradente earn Johanne tiranno, qui nullum genus abhorruit facinoris perpetrandi." {') Register, as on p. 153 of this volume, note "e," f. 274V. She is there incorrectly called Countess of Devon and Lady of the Isle. The mistake of calling her Countess of Devon is also made, after her death, in the Patent Rolls. Her seal (Cotton Charter, v, no. 66) bears a shield charged with two lions passant guardant. Above the shield a crescent enclosing a sun (or a star). Legend, " Secretvm Margarete de Redveriis." {^) "MccxL, qui est annus Regis Henrici III vicesimus quartus [mccxxxix] . . . Rex . . . apud Wintoniam . . . Baldewinum de Ripariis juvenem elegantem, scilicet die Natalis domini balteo cinxit militari et comitatu Devene investivit, presente et id procurante comite Ricardo in cujus custodia idem Baldewinus pluribus annis extiterat et filiastram suam, scilicet Amiciam filiam uxoris sue Ysabelle Glovernie quandoque comitisse sibi matrimonialiter copulaverat." (M. Paris, vol. iv, p. i). The King was at Winchester, Christmas 1239, but at Westminster, Christmas 1240 and 124X. («) Wykes, p. 87. The Earl left England in June 1240, and did not return till Jan. 1 24 1/2. (') Patent Roll, 26 Hen. Ill, /.. i, «. 5 d.