Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/360

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342 DEVONSHIRE the Queen at the Coronation of James II, 23 Apr. 1685. Opposing that King's measures, he was one of the 7 signatories, at the Guildhall, June 1688, to the invitation to the Prince of Orange, for whom he was one of the first to take up arms.C) By the new Sovereigns he was, in 1689, made Col. of the 4th regt. of Horse; Lord Steward of the Household till his death; P.C. 14 Feb. 1689; Lord Lieut, co. Derby, 1 689-1 707; nom. K.G. 3 Apr., and inst. 14 May 1689, and was on 1 1 Apr. in that year Lord High Steward of England for the Coronation of the King and Queen, as he was also, 23 Apr. 1702, for the Coronation of Queen Anne; Chief Justice in Eyre, North of Trent, 1 690-1 707; Lord Lieut, of Notts, 1692-94. On 12 May 1694, he was cr. MARQUESS OF HARTINGTON, co. Derby, and DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE, or DEVON.() He was one of the "Lords Justices " to whom (after the death of Queen Mary) the government of the realm was entrusted yearly 1695 to 1701 (during the King's absence therefrom for some months in each year), his nomination, as such, being never once omitted.('=) LL.D. of Cambridge 1 6 Apr. 1 705, at the same time (*) For a list of the principal persons in arms for the Prince of Orange, see vol. ii, Appendix H. V.G. (*>) " Dux Devon," see ante, p. 339, note " c." See the preamble to the patent in Collins, vol. i, p. 350, stating " that the King and Queen could do no less for one who had deserved the best of them, i^c." This was the eighth of the nine Dukedoms cr. within six years by Wilh'am III. It appears that the title which it was conjectured the Earl would take wzs '■'■ Newcaitle" v/Wc had been previously held (1628-91) by the Cavendish family, but which was conferred among this batch of Dukedoms on John (Holies), Earl of Clare, who had m. the coh. of the last Duke. See vol. iii, p. 249, note "d," sub Clare. (') The " Lords Justices " to govern the realm during King William's yearly absence therefrom, appointed after the death of Queen Mary (who formerly exercised that authority), were as under — (i) from 12 May to 10 Oct. 1695, and (2) from I May to 6 Oct. 1696, the Archbishop {Tenison) of Canterbury; the Lord Keeper Somers, afterwards (i 697-1 700) Lord Chancellor and Baron Somers; the Earl of Pembroke, Privy Seal; the Duke of Devonshire, Steward of the House- hold; the Duke of Shrewsbury, Sec. of State; the Earl of Dorset, Chamberlain of the Household; and Lord Godolphin, first Commissioner of the Treasury; (3) from 25 Apr. to 16 Nov. 1697, the same persons, omitting Godolphin and substituting the Earl of Sunderland, the Earl of Romney {Sidney) and Admiral Russell {cr. in May 1697 Earl of Orford), thereby raising the number from seven to nine; (4) from 20 July to 3 Dec. 1698, they were the Archbishop, Somers, Pembroke, Devonshire, Dorset, Romney, and Orford, as above, omitting Shrewsbury and Sunderland and substituting the Earl of Marlborough and Charles Montague, first Lord of the Treasury, afterwards, 1700, Baron, and subsequently, 1 7 14, Earl of Halifax; (5) from 2 June to 18 Oct. 1699, they were the Archbishop, Somers, Pembroke, Devonshire, Marlborough, Mr. Montague (afterwards Earl of Halifax), as above, omitting Dorset, Romney, and Orford, and substituting Viscount Lonsdale, Privy Seal; the Earl of Bridgwater, first Lord of the Admiralty; and the Earl of Jersey, Chamberlain of the Household; (6) from 27 June to 18 Oct. 1700, they were the Archbishop, Pembroke, Lonsdale, Devonshire, Bridgwater, Jersey, and Marlborough, as above, omitting Somers (no longer Lord Chancellor) and Halifax, and substituting the Earl of Tankerville {Grey), first Lord of the Treasury, and Sir Nathan