Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/38

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22 DACRE could waive his right to be tried by his peers. (^) In 1530 he sub- scribed the letter to the Pope urging the Queen's divorce. In 1534, he claimed precedence of the Lord MorleyjC") which was decided against him. He was one of the 12 mourners at the funeral of Henry VIII,('=) and one of the 4 peers who protested in the House of Lords against the Book of Common Prayer.() He had command of the rearguard in the Scottish Expedition of I547.(') Appointed Warden of the West Marches and Gov. of Carlisle 17 Apr. 1549,0 to Feb. 1 550/1, and of the West and Middle Marches 2 Jan. 1 553/4 (^) to May 1555,0 ^"^ of the West Marches May 1555 to Apr. 1563, when Henry, Lord Scrope of Bolton, sue. him. One of the Commissioners to make peace with Scotland 1560. He m. (cont. dat. i Dec. 1517), between 18 May 1519Q and 1527, Elizabeth, 5th da. of George (Talbot), 4th Earl of Shrews- bury, by Anne, da. of William (Hastings), Lord Hastings. She was living 6 May I552.(') He d. at Kirkoswald, 18 Nov.,() and was iur. 14 Dec. 1563, in Carlisle Cathedral, aged 6t,. Admon., 3 Oct. 1564, 18 Jan. 1^86/-], and 2 Dec. 1590, P.C.C. V. 1563. 4. Thomas (Dacre), Lord Dacre (of Gilsland) and Lord Greystoke, s. and h., aged 37 and more in i563/4.() Knighted Sep. 1547. M.P. for Cumberland 1553. He was never sum. to Pari. He m., istly, Elizabeth, da. of Ralph (Neville), 4th Earl of Westmorland, by Catherine, da. of Edward (Stafford), (^) For this trial see 3rd Rep. D.K. Pub. Records, App. II, pp. 234-36. () He probably considered the old Barony of Multon of Gilsland {1307), of which the former Lords Dacre were heirs, to have been transferred, together with the lands of Gilsland, by the award of 1473. G.E.C. It is possible, however, that the claim was made in right of the Barony of Greystoke, which, if the sitting of 1295 (of which there is proof) were allowed, would certainly precede the date of the Barony of Morley (1299); but the succession of the Lords Dacre to the peerage Barony of Greystoke seems never to have been fully acknowledged, unless perhaps by the writs issued to Dacre de Grcystocky which were, however, not continued, being followed by writs to Dacre de Gillesland, under which designation the last Baron was sum. SoSep. (1566) SEliz. V.G. (') Strype, Ecclesiastical Memorials, vol. ii, pt. 2, p. 291. V.G. (d) Ibid., vol. ii, pt. I, p. 133. V.G. (^) King Edward's Journal, ed. for the Roxburghe Club by J. G. Nichols. V.G. Patent Roll, 3 Edw. VI, />. 6, mm. 12-13. V.G. (8) Acts of the Privy Council, 1552-4, p. 382. V.G. (h) Ibid., p. 123. V.G. (') Letters and Papers, Henry VIII, vol. iii, part I, pp. 79-80. On I Dec. 15 I 7 articles were drawn up for his marriage with Mary, another da. of the same Earl of Shrewsbury. {Ibid., vol. ii, part 2, pp. 1198-9). V.G. (J) Will of William Dacre's illegit, br.. Sir Thomas Dacre of Lanercost, in Reg. Test. Ebor., vol. 17, fol. 559. C) Ch. Inq. p. m., II, vol. 138, no. 7.