Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/389

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DINHAM 371 Black Friars at Exeter. (") His widow, who survived him for some years, a. 1 1 Aug. . . ., and was bur. in that Church. (^) 2. Sir Josce de Dinham, of Hartland, Buckland Denham, and Cardinham, s. and h., aged 24 and more, or 26 and more, at his father's death. The King took his homage, and he had livery of his father's lands, 2 Apr. i299.() He was sum. for Military Service in (1300) 28 Edw. I, and 12 Mar. (i 300/1) 29 Edw. 1, by writs directed Joceo de Dynham or Dyneham. He was with the King in Scotland in i300.(^) He m., before 23 Apr. 1292, (') Margaret, da. and h. of Sir Richard de Hydon, of Clay- hidon and Hemyock, Devon. He d. 30 Mar. i300/i.('*) His widow's dower was ordered to be assigned, 9 July, and the knights' fees and advowsons of her dower, 30 Sep. I30i.() She ;;;., 2ndly, without royal lie, before 24 Jan. 1308/9 (when her lands were on that account ordered to be taken into the King's hand),^) as 2nd wife. Sir Gilbert de Knoville, of Batteshorne, Devon, Puckington, Somerset, &c., who d. 20 Jan. i3i3/4.(«) She m., 3rdly, without royal lie, before 24 Sep. 1324 (when their lands were restored to them, having on that account been taken Into knights' fees], of the Earl of Cornwall. " Joceus filius predicti Oliver! est propinquior heres ejusdem Oliver! et est de etate viginti sex [xxiiij — co. Somerset] annorum et ampHus." (Ch. Ing. p. m., Edw. I, file 89, no. 3). The escheator rendered account for the manors which Oliver de Dynham had held at his death, "a xxvj die Februarii anno xxvij quo die obiit usque secundum diem Aprilis proximo sequentem antequam liberaverit maneria predicta Joceo filio et heredi predicti Oliveri." (Accounts of the Escheator South of Trent — Pipe Roll, 32 Edw. I). (*) " Relicta vero ejusdem [Johannis] domina Isabella de Courtney domino Olivero de Dineham postea se maritaverat, sed diu post ipsum tercio idus August! defuncta apud Fratres Predicatores Exonie a parte austral! presbiterii, ex opposito ejusdem, humata erat." {Chron. of Ford, p. 379). C") Fine Roll, 27 Edw. I, m. 19: Siippl. Close Roll, no. 9, m. 5. ("=) Ch. Inq. p. m., Edw. I, file 62, no. 7. if) "Joceus de Dynham." Writ of diem cl. ext. 24 May 29 Edw. I {Fine Roll, m. 9). Inq., Devon, 8, 9, II, 16 June, Somerset, 12 June, and Cornwall, 1 9 June, and 20 June (2)1301. " Johannes de Dynham filius predicti Joce! est heres predicti Joce! propinquior et fuit in festo Nativitatis beate Marie proximo preterito de etate quinque annorum." {C.Inq.p. m., Edw. I, file 102, no. 2). The escheator rendered account for the manors which Josce de Dynham had held at his death, "a XXX die Marcii anno xxix quo die obiit." (Accounts of the Escheator South of Trent— P;> Roll, 32 Edw. I). (') Writs de dote assignanda 9 July and 30 Sep. [Close Roll, 29 Edw. I, mm. 6, 3). Assignment of dower undated [16 July 1 301, according to the Escheator's Accounts]. [Idem, m. 4 d: Inq. p. m. on Josce de Dynham). (<) Fine Roll, 2 Edw. II, m. 10. (*) " Gilbertus de Knovill'." Writ of diem cl. ext. I Feb. 7 Edw. II. Inq., cos. Devon, Hereford, Somerset, 28 Mar., Saturday the vigil of Palm Sunday, and Friday in Easter week [30 Mar., 12 Apr.] 1314. "Johannes de Knovyle filius ejusdem Gilbert! est ejus propinquior heres et est etatis quadraginta annorum [et amplius — co. Hereford: xxx annorum et amplius — co. Somerset]." (Ch. Inq. p. m., Edw. II, file 32,