Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/405

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DIRLETOUN 387 after 27 Mar. (the registration of the patent is much dehiced), a: EARL OF DIRLETOUN,^LORD KINGSTON and ELBOTTLE, co. Had- dington [S.]. He ;«., before Apr. 1622, Elizabeth deBosy or de Boussoyne. He d'. s.p.m.s.{^) at Holyrood, 19 Apr. i650,() when all his honours became extinct. Admon. (as "Earl Darleton") 6 May 1650. His widow was bur. 16 Apr. 1 659 (as " Elizabeth Maxwell, Comitissa "), at St. Martin's- in-the-Fields. Will dat. 22 Aug. 1657, pr. 20 Aug. 1660. DOCKWRA OF CULMORE(^) BARONY [I.] I. "Henry Dockwra, Knt., Treasurer of War in J ^ Ireland,"("^) was a native of Yorkshire; b. about 1568. He distinguished himself (^temp. Eliz.) in the Irish wars. Constable of Dungarvan Castle 1594-97; knighted before Aug. 1599; Chief Commissioner in Connaught and Thomond, and P.C. [I.] 1599; Gov. of Loughfoyle 14 Mar. 1 599/1 600; Gov. of Derry 1604-06, Treasurer at War [I.] 19 July 1616; and grantee of considerable lands in co. Wicklow. On 25 May 1 621, he was cr. LORD DOCKWRA, (') Of his daughters and coheirs (i) Elizabeth ni., istly, 26 May 1638, William (Hamilton), 2nd Duke of Hamilton [S.], and 2ndly, 19 June 1655, Thomas Dalmahoy; (2) Diana m., 2 Apr. 1639, Charles Cecil, styk^ Viscount Cranbourne, and was mother of James, 3rd Earl of Salisbury; (3) Anne m., before 1642 (as his last wife), Sir Thomas Bowyer, 1st Bart.; and (4) Jane m., before 1657, ( — ) Whorwood. (*") According to the deposition of "John Maxwell, Gent.," who "waj'ted on the said Earle in Scotland at the tyme of his death," he d. on or about 19 Apr. 1650. Certificate, sworn before Robert Aylett, 10 Mar. 1653, amoniz; the Pye Papers {ex inform. A. P. Perceval Keep). V.G. (') The arms of Lord Docra, Baron of Culmore, entered in Ulster's Office on his being created a peer. Quarterly (i) Sable, a chevron engrailed Argent, between three plates, each charged with a pallet Gules. (2) Argent, on a bend Gules three martlets Or. (3) Ermine, on a bend Gules two chevrons Or. (4) Argent, on a fess between three martlets Sable as many mullets of the field. (5) Argent, a chevron engrailed between three cocks Sable. (6) Azure, a fess wavy between three swans Argent. Crest. A demi-lion rampant Or, holding between the paws a plate charged with a pallet Gules. Supporters, Two men at arms each holding in the exterior hand a long spear the point imbrued Gules. Motto: Fides Amicitia periculosa Libertas. The identity of the quarterings is as follows: I Docra, 2 Danvers, 3 Bruly, 4 Pury, 5 at More, 6 Wawney. See Visitations of Oxford, Harleian Soc, vol. v, p. I, and pedigrees of Danvers, Ss'c, therein. In Lord Dockra's Fun. Ent. 4 and 5 are omitted. He can hardly have been a son, as the marriage took place before 1520 (see Col. Top. et Gen., vol. i, p. 327) of Martin Dokerey or Dockrey, and Isabel, youngest da. of Sir William Danvers, Chief Justice of the Common Pleas 1488-90. He was presumably a grandson of this marriage. He was not, however, entitled to these quarterings, as Isabel did not inherit them, her nephew, George Danvers, having left numerous male descendants. No doubt he was proud of his descent from these families. (G. D. Burtchaell). V.G. C) See Creations, 1 483-1 646, in App., 47th Rep., D.K. Pub. Records.