Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/407

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DONCASTER 389 EARLDOM. I. Sir Iames Scott (illegit. s. of Charles 11), was a:, 14 Feb. 1662/3, BARON SCOTT OF TYN- I. 1 663 DALE, CO. Northumberland, EARL OF DONCASTER, to CO. York, and DUKE OF MONMOUTH, in anticipation 1685. of his marriage (which took place 20 Apr. 1663) with Anne, suo jure Countess of Buccleuch [S.]. On that day they were severally cr. DUKE and DUCHESS OF BUCCLEUCH, &fc. [S.]. He was beheaded 15 July 1685, in his 37th year, and having been attainted, all his honours heczme forfeited/. See fuller particulars under " Monmouth," Dukedom of, cr. 1663. II. 1743. 2. Francis (Scott), Duke of Buccleuch, ^c. [S.], grandson and h., who on the death of his grandmother, suo Jure Countess and Duchess of Buccleuch abovenamed, 6 Feb. 1732, in her 8ist year, had inherited those dignities. By Act of Pari. 21 Mar. 1742/3, he was restored (with rem. to the heirs male of his [noi of the grantee's] body) to the dignity and title of EARL OF DONCASTER and of BARON SCOT OF TINDAL.(^) See "Buccleuch," Dukedom of [S.], cr. 1663, under the 2nd holder of that dignity. DONEGALL i.e. "DoNEGALL," Barony of [I.] {O'Donnell), cr. 1603 with the Earldom of Tyrconnell [I.], which see; both yo^/W about 1605. EARLDOM [I.] I. Arthur Chichester, ist s. and h. ap. of Edward, 1st Viscount Chichester of Carrick.fergus and Baron I. 1647. Chichester of Belfast [I.], by his ist wife, Anne, da. and h. of John Coplestone, was b. 16 June 1606; Capt. in the Irish Army 1627; M.P. for co. Antrim, July to Nov. 1634, and 1640-47; Gov. of Belfast, Feb. 1643/4; P-C- [!•] 1644 and again, after the Restoration, Dec. 1 660. Having distinguished himself as " Col. Chichester," in the Irish rebellion, he was, at the request of the Lord Lieut. Ormond [I.], cr., 30 Mar. 1647, EARL OF DONEGALL [I.], with a spec. rem. to the heirs male of the body of his fatherjC") taking his seat 25 June 1661. He sue. his father, 8 July 1 648, as Viscount, iifc. Gov. of Carrickfergus 1 66 1 till his death. (') (*) See the probable reason of the non-restoration at that time of the Dukedom of Monmouth; see, also, the return [1885] of all Peerages restored by Act of Pari. for the last 200 years, vol. i, Appendix E, this Earldom being the only English dignity therein mentioned as so restored, the others being six Scottish dignities forfeited in the Risings of 1715 and 1745. C") See the preamble to this patent in Lodge, vol. i, p. 334. It was granted with the annual creation fee of ^^15. (') According to Diet. Nat. Biog. 1643. He had received in 1627 the reversion of the Governorship of Carrickfergus after his father's death, which did not take place till 1628, during the Civil War troubles, and the reversion did not take effect, practically, till after the Restoration. V.G.