Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/438

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420 DORSET in 1509, Margaret,(^) widow of William Medley (living 6 Jan. 1509), da. of Sir Robert Wotton, of Boughton Malherbe, Kent, by Anne, da. of Sir Henry Belk-nap. He d. 10 Oct. 1530, aged 53. C") Will dat. 2 June 1530, pr. 18 Nov. 1 53 1. Inq. p. m. 30 Nov. 1532. His widow was living 6 Oct. 1535. Q VI. 1530 3. Henry (Grey), Marquess of Dorset [1475], to Lord Ferrers (of Groby) [1300], Lord Harington 1554- [1344] '"^""^ Lord Bonville [1449], s. and h., b. 17 Jan. 1 5 17, being aged 13^^ years 12 weeks and 4 days at his father's death; and, apparently, styled Lord Grey till 1530. K.B. 30 May 1533; he carried the salt at the christening of Queen Elizabeth later in that year; nom. K.G. 17 Feb. 1546/7, inst. 23 May 1547. Lord High Constable, 18 to 20 Feb. 1547 at the Coronation of Edward VI, where he bore the sceptre with the dove; P.C. 1549-53; Lord Lieut, of cos. Leicester and Rutland, 1549; Chief Justice in Eyre, South of Trent, Feb. 1549/50-53; Warden of the Scottish Marches, Feb. 1 550/1 to Sep. 1551. He given some manors, worth 500 marks a year, to his br. Richard in tail male, rem. to the said Anne in tail general: that the same Marquis might have and enjoy certain manors now of the inheritance of the said Anne, for life, rem. to Anne in tail general, rem. to the said Marquis [j/V] in tail male, with reversion to the King and his heirs: that all the lands which the said Thomas Sengliger now holds by the courtesy of England should at his death remain to the said Anne in tail general, rem. to the said Marquis in tail male, with reversion to the King and his heirs: and that if Thomas, s. and h. ap. of the said Marquis, " dye afore any carnall copulation betwix the same Thomas the Sonne and the same Lady Anne," then the same Marquis or his assigns shall tender to the same Anne in marriage any other of his sons who shall be his h. ap. [Pari. Rolls, vol. vi, pp. 2 1 5-7). The marriage thus projected did not take place, owing to the fall of the Greys, and Anne married Sir George Manners of Belvoir. (G. W. Watson). V.G. (*) Diet. Nat. Biog. says she was his 2nd wife, and that he had previously m. Eleanor, da. of Oliver St. John, of Lydiard Tregoze, Wilts. V.G. C") His appearance at the meeting of Henry VII and Philip, King of Castile, near Windsor in I 505/6, is thus described in a Paston letter of 17 Jan. of that year: — " My Lord Markas rydyng apon a bald sorelyd hors, with a deyp trapper full of long tassels of gold of Venys, and apon the crowper of hys hors a whytt fedyr, with a cott apon hys bak, the body goldsmyths wark, the slevys of cremysyne velvyt, with letters of gold." In July 1526 he wrote thanking Francis I of France for a pension of 500 crowns which he and other English nobles had received, and adds that he is not dissatisfied, but as Francis gave him 1,000 crowns a year he thinks this grant may have been made by inadvertence. {Letters and Papers, Henry Fill, vol. iv, part 3, p. 3102). At this date our nobility appear to have seen no impropriety in being in the pay of a foreign monarch. Lloyd writes in 1665, "This souldier was as much above fear as flattery, that told him [Henry VIII] when pensive, ' That never was that man merry that had more than one woman in his bed, more than one friend in his bosom, more than one Faith in his heart.' " V.G. (') J. H. Round, in Essex Arch. Trans., N.S., vol. xiii, p. 12, points out that at this date she obtained a 60 years' lease of the " Gestes Hall," Tilty Abbey. V.G.