Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/455

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DOUGLAS 437 the Duke of Albany [S.] in an invasion of Scotland, but was defeated and taken prisoner, 22 July 1 484, near Lochmaben, and was sentenced to imprison- ment at Lindores Abbey. He m., istly (disp. 26 Feb. 1452/3), the widow of his brother, the late Earl, which lady obtained a divorce from him when his forfeiture made him no longer a desirable partner. [See particulars ot her, under the 8th Earl,] When in England he »/., 2ndly, Anne, widow of John (Nevill), Lord Nevill (so sum. in 1459, who was slain 1461), and before that of John Nevill, styled Lord Nevill, da. of John (Holand), Duke of Exeter, by his 2nd wife Anne, da. of John (Montagu), Earl of Salisbury. She d. 26 Dec. i486, being mother of Ralph, Earl of West- morland, her s. and h., then aged 30 and more.C) The Earl d. soon after Whitsunday [22 May] HgijC") at Lindores Abbey, and was bur. there, this famous Earldom having become extinct at his attainder in 1455. MARQUESSATE [S.] i. William (Douglas), Earl of Angus [S.], s. and h. of William, the loth Earl, by Elizabeth, I. 1633. da. of Laurence (Oliphant), 4th Lord Oliphant [S.], b. 1589, sue. his'father 3 Mar 161 1.(") He was Chief Lieut, on the Borders. Having resigned his claim (as Earl of Angus) "/o the privilege and prerogative of the first sitting and voting" in Parliament on the I3th,() he was, on 14 June 1633, cr. MARQUESS OF DOUGLAS, EARL OF ANGUS, LORD ABERNETHY AND JEDBURGH FOREST [S.], with rem. to his heirs male and successors for ever. He joined the Marquess of Montrose in 1644, fought at Philip- haugh, and escaped, but was taken later and imprisoned in Edinburgh Castle Apr. 1 646, buying his release in 1 647. He was fined £ i ,000 by Cromwell's Act of Grace in 1654. He w., istly, in 1601, when aged 12 (cont. dat. II July 1601), Margaret, da. of Claude (Hamilton), I st Lord Paisley [S.], by Margaret, da. of George (Seton), Lord Seton [S.]. She d. 1 1 Sep. 1623, aged 38, and was bur. at Douglas. M.I. He m., 2ndly, 15 Sep. 1632 (cont. dat. 12 Aug.), at Bellie, Mary, 3rd da. of George (Gordon), ist Marquess OF HuNTLY [S.], by Henrietta, da. of Esme (Stuart), Duke of Lennox [S.]. He d. 19 Feb. 1659/60, in his 71st year, and was bur. at Douglas. M.L His widow d. 1674, in her 64th year, and was bur. there. [Archibald Douglas, styled "Lord Douglas, Master of Angus" 1 61 3, but, after 1633, styled Earl of Angus, ist s. and h. ap. by ist wife;(*) b. about 1609; P.C. [S.] May 1636; was an Extraordinary Lord of (*) Inqs.p. m. Surrey, Devon, York, 21 Feb., 16 Apr., 26 Apr., 2 Hen. VII (1486-7). [Cal. Inquisitions post mortem, Hen. VII, vol. i, p. loi). V.G. C") Scots Peerage, vol. iii, p. 1 83, showing that his pension of ;^200 from James IV was regularly paid up to that date. V.G. if) His stately hospitality is said to have exceeded that of any other noble. (■*) See, as to this proceeding, vol. i, p. 160, note " b," sub Angus. (*) His next br. (of the whole blood), Lord James (also called William) Douglas, signalized himself in the French army, being promised a Mar^chal's baton. He was