Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/458

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440 DOUGLAS MARQUESSATE [S.]. 4. James George (Hamilton), Duke of Hamilton, Marquess of Douglas,(*) Marquess IV. 1 76 1. of Clydesdale, Earl of AnguSjC") is'c. [S.], also Duke of Brandon, ^c. [G.B.], cousin and h. male, being s. and h. of James, 6th Duke of Hamilton (^d. 1758), s. and h. of James, 5th Duke (^. 1743), s. and h. of James, 4th Duke (d. 17 12), s. and h. of William (Hamilton, formerly Douglas), 3rd Duke (who, having m. Anne, suo jure Duchess of Hamilton, obtained for himself that Duke- dom, which had been enjoyed previously by two members of the family of Hamilton), which Duke William was a yr. s. (by the 2nd wife) of William (Douglas), i st Marquess of Douglas, Earl of Angus, is'c. [S.] abovenamed. He was b. 18 Feb. 1755, sue. his father, 17 Jan. 1758, as Duke of Hamil- ton, &c., and sue. his cousin, the Duke of Douglas abovenamed, 2 1 July 1 76 1, as Marquess of Douglas, Earl of Angus, Lord Abernethy and Jedburgh Forest [S.], these dignities becoming thenceforth united with the Dukedom of Hamilton. See "Hamilton," Dukedom of [S.], er. 1643, under the 7th and following Dukes. DOUGLAS OF HAWICK AND TIBBERS Barony [S.] {Douglas), cr. 1628, with the Viscountcy of Drumlanrig [S.], and, again, 1633, ^'th the Earldom of Queensberry [S.], which see.(') DOUGLAS OF ETTRICK Barony [S.] {Douglas), er. 1675, with the Earldom of Dunbarton [S.], which see; extinct about 1749. DOUGLAS OF KINMONT, MIDDLEBIE and DORNOCK Barony [S.] {Douglas), er. 1682, with the Marquessate of Queens- berry [S.]; this Barony (not, however, the Marquessate) was resigned in Sharpe). Dr. Johnson met her in Edinburgh in 1773 — "an old lady who talks broad Scotch with a paralytic voice, and is scarce understood by her own countrymen." She was a well-known leader of Scottish society in her time. " The last of the nobility to be attended by halberdiers when going about the country. When she visited she left her dress behind her as a present." {Scots Peerage, vol. ix, p. 1 3). V.G. (') In marked distinction to the Earldom of Douglas, of which during 98 years there were nine holders (see ante, p. 436, note "c"), the Marquessate oi T>ou^2s during 128 years was held but by three. () It should, however, be observed that though the petition of the Duke of Hamilton in 1762 was (like that of his opponent, the h. general) referred to the Lords, it was never followed by any decision thereon as to the Earldom of Angus. See vol. i, p. 161, note "c," sub Angus. (') Both these titles have been enjoyed with the Marquessate of Queensberry [S.] since its creation in 1682, and, in 1810, followed the course of that dignity.