Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/470

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452 DOWNE notice to attend the House of Lords [I.] on I2 Oct. 1695, by order of the House 12 Sep. 1695. He was attainted by the Irish Pari, of James II, 7 ]VIay(") 1689. He w., istly, 4 Aug. 1645, at St. Antholin's, London, Elizabeth, da. of Sir John Melton, Sec. to the Council of York. She was bur. 21 Feb. 1662/3, at Cowick. He m., 2ndly (lie. Fac. 14 May 1663, he being then 38 and a widower), Dorothy (then 30, spinster), da. of William Johnson, of Wickham, co. Lincoln. He d. in Yorkshire, i, and was bur. 9 Oct. 1695, ^^ Snaith, aged 70. His widow was bur. 28 May 1709, at Cowick. Will pr. June 1709. III. 1695. 2. Henry (Dawnay), Viscount Downe [I.], 6th s., being istC") s. and h. by 2nd wife, bap. 7 June 1664, at Cowick; M.P. (Tory) for Pontefract 1690-95; for co. York 1698-1700 and 1707-27. He m., 29 Sep. 1685, at Gainsborough, Mildred, ist da. of William Godfrey, of Thonock, co. Lincoln, by his ist wife, Mildred, da. and coh. of Robert Williamson, of Hayton, Notts. She, who was b. 22, and bap. 24 Mar. 1666, at Gainsborough, d. at Cowick, and was bur. at Snaith 2 Sep. 1725. He was bur. there 21 May 1741, aged 76. Will pr. at York 4 June 1741. IV. 1741. 3. Henry Pleydell (Dawnay), Viscount Downe [I.], grandson and h., being s. and h. of the Hon. John Dawnay (M.P. for Pontefract 17 13-16), by Charlotte Louisa, da. and h. of Robert Pleydell, of Ampney Crucis, co. Gloucester, which John was s. and h. ap. of the last Viscount, but d. v.p., 12 Aug. 1740, aged 53. He was b. 8 Apr. 1727; matric. at Oxford (Ch. Ch.) 22 Mar. 1744/5; M.P. for co. YorkC^) 1750-60 (Whig); Lord of the Bedchamber to George, Prince of Wales, i75i-6o;() F.R.S. 6 Dec. 1750; Lieut. Col. 25th regt., and in command thereof at the battle of Minden in 1759 (this being one of the four regts. to which the success of that action was due), as also at the battle of Campen, 16 Oct. 1760, where he was mortally wounded. He (*) For a list of peers present in, and absent from, this Pari., see vol. iii, Appendix D. V.G. i^) Of his elder brothers of the half blood, George, hap. 14 Sep. 1654, m. Elizabeth, da. and coh. of John Heron, but d. s.p. and f./>., Feb. 169 1/2. The others d. as infants, in or before 1653. V.G. (') " Lord Downe is returned from his unopposed election in Yorkshire, and instead of sighing at the Ladies' feet in Arlington Street, sets out instantly for Paris, and hopes to preserve firm Peace and amity between the two Nations by running his Hands immediately up the Coats of Madame de Pompadour : alert and assurd, like any Frenchman, but without the Language." 15 May 1750. {Letters to Henry Fox, Lord Holland, p. 45; privately printed and presented to the Roxburghe Club, 1915). V.G. (^) The question whether this appointment, as having been made by the King, vacated his seat in Pari, was debated in the House of Commons May 1751, but he was allowed to retain it. V.G.