Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/539

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DUNBOYNE 521 [FiTzwALTER George Probyn Butler, I st s. and h. ap., b. 20 Mar. 1 874, at 69 St. George's Sq. As Lieut. R.N. he served in Witu (East Africa) Expedition, Oct. 1890 (medal and clasp), and as Capt. R.N. he fought in the great European War, 1 914 — .(*) Having sue. to the Peerage after Jan. 1 90 1, he is outside the scope of this work.] Family Estates. — These in 1878 consisted of 1,237 acres in co. Clare, valued at ^^53 7 P-'^--, the ist s. of the then Lord being returned as owner of 742 acres also in Clare. i.e. "DuNBOYNE OF DuNBOYNE, CO. Meath," Barony [I.] {Grimston), cr. 1 7 19 with the Viscountcy of Grimston [I.], which see. DUNCAN i.e. "Duncan of Camperdown," Viscountcy; and "Duncan of LuNDiE, CO. Perth," Barony (Duncan), both cr. 30 Oct. 1797; see under " Camperdown." DUNCANNON or DUNGANNON i.e. "Dungannon," Barony [I.] (O'Nei/i), cr. 1 Sep. 1 ^4.2, forfeited 16 14; see "Tyrone," Earldom [I.]. i.e. "Duncannon of the fort of Duncannon, co. Wexford," Viscountcy [I.] {Ponsonby), cr. 1723; see " Bessborough," Barony [I.], cr. 1721. i.e. "Duncannon OF Bessborough, co. Kilkenny," Barony (Ponsonby), cr. 1834; see "Bessborough," Barony [I.], cr. 1721; Earldom [I.] cr. 1739; under the 5th Baron and 4th Earl. i.e. " Hawley of Duncannon," Barony [I.] {Hawley), cr. 164.^, extinct 1790. DUNCOMBE PARK See " Feversham of Duncombe Park, co. York," Barony (Duncombe), cr. 1826. DUNCRUB See "RoLLO of Duncrub, co. Perth," Barony [S.] {Rollo), cr. 1651. (*) His three brothers also served: (i) Lesley James Probyn Butler, Brigade Major 8th Infantry Brigade (Brev. Lt. Col.), afterwards General Staff Officer, 2nd grade, mentioned in despatches; (2) Robert Thomas Rowley Probyn Butler, Lieut. Royal Engineers; (3) Theobald Patrick Probyn Butler, Capt. R. A. For a list of peers and sons of peers who served in this war, see vol. viii, Appendix F. V.G. 66