Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/541

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DUNDAS 523 II. 1820. 2. Lawrence (Dundas), Baron Dundas of Ask.e, s. and h.; b. 10 Apr. 1766. He was, 2 July 1838, cr. EARL OF ZETLAND. See that dignity. DUNDEE EARLDOM [S.] John (Scrimgeour), 3rd Viscount Dudhope [S.], was at the Restoration, cr. in 1660, EARL OF I. 1660 DUNDEE, VISCOUNT OF DUDHOPE, LORD to SCRIMGEOUR AND INNERKEITHING [S.]. 1668. He d. s.p., at Dudhope, 23 June 1668, since which time all his honours, if not extinct, have remained dormant. See fuller particulars under " Dudhope," Viscountcy [S.], cr. 1 64 1, sub the 3rd Viscount. VISCOUNTCY [S.] I. John Graham, s. and h. of Sir William G., of Claverhouse {d. before Feb. 1652/3), by Mag- I. 1688. dalen, 5th da. of John (Carnegie), ist Earl of Northesk. [S.], b. July 1648, was educated at the Univ. of St. Andrews, M.A. 27 July 1661 ;(*) served in the army of France, and subsequently, about 1674, in that of Holland, distinguishing himself at the battle of SenefF, in Belgium, against the French, 11 Aug. 1674. By Charles II he was, in 1678, made Capt. of one of the troops of Horse raised against the Covenanters, in which capacity he gained the name of '■'■Bloody Clavers." Sheriff of Wigtown, 1682, having, in 1684, a grant of the Castle of Dudhope and constabulary of Dundee. P.C. both to Charles II and James II; Major Gen. in the Army, 1686. On 12 Nov. 1688, C") he was cr. VISCOUNT OF DUNDEE C) AND LORD GRAHAME OF the admission of Irish peers to seats in the Commons by the Act of Union in 1800. He was also one of four (the others being Earl Fitzwilliam, Lords Holland and King) who protested against the Act itself as being " unjust in its principle and dangerous in its consequences." V.G. (•) He was, of course, very young then to be an M.A., but this was not unknown in Scottish Universities at that period. Another John Graham matric. at St. Andrews Feb. 1664/5, ^^ ^^^ same time as Claverhouse's brother David, the 3rd Viscount. In Diet. Nat. Biog. this John is identified, as the Editor thinks, wrongly, with Claverhouse. V.G. C") He was one of the six persons on whom an hereditary Scottish Peerage was conferred by James II 1685-88. These were (i) The Hon. John Drummond, cr. Viscount Melfort, 1685, and subsequently, 1686, Earl of Melfort; (2) Sir George Mackenzie, cr. Viscount Tarbat; (3) The Hon. Robert Spencer, cr. Viscount Teviot; (4) Lord Charles Murray, cr. Earl of Dunmore; (5) The Hon. William Drummonii, cr. Viscount Strathallan; and (6) John Graham, cr. Viscount Dundee. As to English Peerages conferred by that monarch, see ante, p. 224, note "a," sub Derwen twater; and as to Irish Peerages so conferred, see sub Galway. {") He was descended from Robert Graham of Strathcarron, co. Stirling, by Maud, his and wife, da. of Sir James Scrimgeour, Constable of Dundee, which James was ancestor of the Viscounts Dudhope [S.] and of the Earl of Dundee [S.] of that family.