Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/572

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554 DUNSANY was sent to Dublin, where he was at once imprisoned by the Lords Justices in the Castle there, steps being taken to indict him and others of high treason. At the Restoration some of his lands were restored to him, he being then reduced to "extreme want and beggary." He again took his seat, down to i666.(^) He w., before 1634, Jane, da. of Sir Thomas Heneage, of Hainton, co. Lincoln, by Barbara, da. of Sir Thomas Guilford. He was living May 1668. X. 1670. 10. Christopher (Plunkett), Lord Dunsany [I.], grandson and h., being s. and h. of Edward Plunkett, by Catherine, 4th da. of Randal (MacDonnell), Earl of Antrim [L], which Edward was s. and h. ap. of the last Lord, and d. v.p.y May 1668. He had a pension of ;^ioo a year on the establishment [I.], i Jan. 1687. He sat in the Pari. [L] of 7 May i689,() sum. by James II (after his expulsion from the throne), and d. unm. 1690. XI. 1690. II. Randall (Plunkett), Lord Dunsany [I.], br. and h. He also adhered to James II, and was, in consequence, outlawed, 16 Apr. 1691, but being comprised in the treaty of Limerick was thereby restored. Being a Rom. Cath. he could not sit as a Peer of Pari. He w., istly, between 1678 and 1681, Anne, widow of Theobald (Taaffe), Earl of Carlincford [I.], da. of Sir William Pershall, of Suggenhill, co. Stafford, by Frances, da. of Walter (Aston), Lord Aston [S.]. She d. s.p. He m., 2ndly, May 1711, Bridget, only da. of Richard Fleming, of Stahalmock, co. Meath, and only child by his ist wife, who was dead before 1724. She was b. Apr. 1689. He d. 16 Mar. 17-55, and was bur. at Dunsany. His will pr. 1735, and that of his widow 1769, as " Bridget Plunkett, called Lady Dunsany," both in Prerog. Ct. [I.]. XII. 1735- 12. Edward (Plunkett), Lord Dunsany [I.], s. and h. by 2nd wife, b. 17 13. In 1735 he conformed to the established Church [I.], but took no steps towards obtaining the recognition of his Peerage. He w., Aug. 1734, Mary, ist da. and coh. of Francis Allen, of St. Wolstans, co. Kildare, by Frances, da. of Charles White, of Leixlip. He d. 9 June 1781, in Dublin, aged about 68. XIII. 1781. 13. Randall (Plunkett), Lord Dunsany [I.], s. and h., b. Mar. ijT,^/^. In Dec. 1781, he petitioned for his writ of Peerage [I.], which was favourably reported on by the Chief Law Officers [I.], on 26 Apr. I782.('=) The House agreeing therewith, he, on (*) From this year to 1692 no Parliament [I.] but that of James II in 1689 was held. C") For a list of peers present in, and absent from, this Pari., see vol. iii, Appendix D. (■=) They stated that "the disability incurred by the claimant's ancestor, was for an offence committed after the beginning of the reign of James II, and before the 3 Oct. 1 69 1; that the evidence of the title forfeited by the claimant's ancestor