Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/642

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624 APPENDIX G MANCHESTER [8] Edward Montagu, s. and h. of Henry (Montagu), ist Earl OF Manchester [cr. 1626). He was one of the twelve Peers who were "Commanders" for the Commonwealth ;(*) and one of the nine Peers sum. to the "Other House," 10 Dec. 1657, but never took his seat.C") For fuller particulars see " Manchester," Earldom, cr. 1626. MONCK [24] George Monck,(') 4th but 2nd surv. s. of Sir Thomas M., of Potheridge, Devon. He was sum. to the "Other House," 10 Dec. 1657, but did not take his seat, "by reason of his charge in Scotland." For fuller particulars see " Albemarle," Dukedom, cr. 1 660. MONTAGU [23] Edward Montagu, 2nd but only surv. s. of Sir Sydney M., of Hinchinbroke,^) Hunts. He was present " with a drawn sword " at the second Installation of the Lord Protector, 26 June 1657, and was sum. to the " Other House," 10 Dec. 1657, taking his seat, as " Edward Lord Montagu," 20 Jan. 1657/8; he also sat in Richard Cromwell's House of Lords,(*) and signed the proclamation in which he was declared Protector, 3 Sep. 1658. For fuller particulars see "Sandwich," Earl- dom, cr. 1660. MULGRAVE [9] Edmund Sheffield, only s. and h. of Sir John S.; sue. his grand- father, as 2nd Earl of Mulgrave, in Oct. 1646. He was sum. to the "Other House," 10 Dec. 1657, but never took his seat.Q For fuller particulars see "Mulgrave," Earldom, cr. 1626. if) A list of 237 "Commanders or Captains of Companies in the Armies of the Commonwealth " is given in Prestwich's Respublica, 1787, pp. 24-1 1 8. It is remark- able that of the twelve Peers whose names occur in this list the Earl of Manchester was the only one sum. to Cromwell's " Other House." C") When the House was called over, 2 Feb. 1657/8, he was one of the eleven " Lords " who " being called Did not appeare nor any excuse made for them." See Introduction to this Appendix, p. 591. (■=) He bore for arms: Gules with a cheveron Silver between three lions' heads razed of the same. [Ex inform. Oswald Barron). (^) Sir Sydney Montagu had purchased Hinchinbroke House, the seat of the Cromwell family, from Sir Oliver Cromwell, the Lord Protector's uncle, in 1627. (•) On II Mar. 1658/9 "Edward Lord Montagu, a Member of this House and one of the Generalls at Sea," was given leave of absence in order to take com- mand of the Fleet which was then about to set sail. (') When the House was called over, 2 Feb. 1657/8, he was one of the eleven "Lords" who " being called Did not appeare nor any excuse made for them." See Introduction to this Appendix, p. 591.