Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/658

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640 APPENDIX G per ann.^ 16 Dec. 1653; and member of the Committee of Safety, repre- senting the " Wallingford House" party, 26 Oct. 1659. He was sum. to the "Other House," 10 Dec. 1657, and took his seat, as "Walter Lord Strickland," 20 Jan. 1657/8; he also sat in Richard Cromwell's House of Lords, and signed the proclamation in which he was declared Protector, 3 Sep. 1658. At the Restoration he was included in the Act of Indemnity, and " escaped without any penalty." He m. Dame Anna Morgan, (*) widow of Sir Lewis Morgan, of Rhiwperra, co. Glamorgan (who d. 3 July 1635), da. and h. of Sir Charles Morgan, C') Gov. of Bergen-op-Zoom, by Eliza, da. of Philip de Marnix, Lord of St. Aldegonde. He d. s.p., I Nov. 1 67 1, and was bur. at Flamborough. M.I. Admon. grant, at York, 12 Dec. 1 67 1. His widow d. 1688, at Chelsea, Midx. Her will dat. 18 June 1687, pr. 17 Mar. 1687/8. (<=) SYDENHAM [30] William Sydenham, (^) s. and h. of William S., of Wynford EaglejC) Dorset, by Mary, da. of Sir John Jeffrey, of Catherston, in the same co.; bap. 8 Apr. 161 5, at Wynford Eagle; gentleman-commoner of Trin. Coll., Oxford. (') Capt. of Horse, in the Pari army, 1643; Col. before Apr. 1644; Gov. of Weymouth 17 June 1644; Joint Gov. of Isle of Wight 14 Aug. 1649; Col. of a regt. of Foot May 1659. M.P. for Melcombe Regis, in the Long Pari., 25 Sep. 1645 ^o 1653; for Dorset 12 July 1654, 1656-57, and 7 May 1659 to 16 Mar. 1659/60. Councillor of State 3 Nov. to 12 Dec. 1653; member of the Lord Protector's Council, with a salary of /^i,ooo per ann., 16 Dec. 1653; Commissioner of the Treasury, with another ;^ 1,000 per ann., 2 Aug. i654.(^) He was sum. to the "Other House," 10 Dec. 1657, and (") She was naturalized by Act of Pari., 18 Feb. 1650/1. () Sir Charles Morgan was 4th s. of Edward M., of Pencarn, co. Glamorgan; he d. 1642, and was bur. at Bergen. His wife was bur., in the old church at Delft, before May 1634. (See Genealogies of Morgan and Glamorgan, by G. T. Clark, for an account of this family). (') In her will, in which she is styled " Anna Morgan," she mentions her "great grandsonne Edmond Thomas, Knight," to whom she leaves her Monmouth- shire property, and desires to be bur. " in my Mothers Tombe in Hollande ... itt is in the olde chertche att Delft." (P.C.C., 126 Exton). (^) He bore for arms : Silver three rams Sable. (=) The manor of Wynford Eagle was acquired by Thomas Sydenham, 3rd s. of Richard S., of AUer, Somerset, from John, Lord Zouch, 36 Hen. VIII. Col. William Sydenham was gt.-gt.-grandson of this Thomas. (') Hutchins' Dorset, vol. ii, p. 703. See also Wood's Athenae, vol. iv, p. 271. (e) " Colonel Sydenham, a gentleman of not very much per annum at the be- ginning of the wars . . . hath augmented his revenue to some purpose ; he helped to change the government, and make those laws of treason against kingship ... by all which he is grown very great and considerable." [Second Narrative of the late Par- liament).