Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/694

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Chart V. FERRERS or DERBY by Stephen. Robert de Ferrers was cr. Earl of Derby by Stephen in 1138. The Earldom descended in the male line to Robert de Ferrers, Earl of Derby, 5th in descent from the grantee, who, having been taken in open rebellion, was in 1266 deprived of all his lands, which he was never able to redeem. Though never attainted, he ceased to be an earl when he lost the lands ot the Earldom. The honour of Derby was bestowed on Edmund, Earl of Lancaster, whose grandson, Henry of Lancaster, was cr. Earl of Derby, " to him and his heirs," 1336/7, succeeded his father as Earl of Leicester and Lancaster 1345, and was cr. Earl of Lincoln 1349, and Duke of Lancaster iTfC^ijl. Henry, cr. Earl of Derby 1336/7, sue. as Earl of Lcicestcr= and Lancaster 1345, cr. Earl of Lincoln 1349, *"'^ Duke of Lancaster 135 1/2; d. s.p.m. 1360/!. Maud, who apparentIy=Duke of was portioned with the Bavaria. Earldom of Leicester, d. I p. 10 Apr. 1362. Blanche, in- = herited the honour of Derby. John, Earl of Richmond, 4th son of Edward III, who, as Earl of Lancaster, was cr. Duke of Lancaster 13 Nov. 1362. Before the death of his wife's sister he was styled Earl of Richmond, Lancaster, Derby, and Lincoln, and, after Maud's death. Earl of Leicester also. Henry, Earl of Derby, Wc, as Henry IV in 1399.