Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/751

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APPENDIX H 729 1446/7. Sir James Fiennes was summoned to l^arliament 3 Mar. (1446/7) 25 Hen. VI, by writ directed Jacobo de Fynes Militi Domino de Say et de Se.e. 1447. John Beauchamp was created by patent Baron and Lord Beauchamp of Powick in tail male. 1447. Thomas Hoo was created by patent, 2 June 1447, Baron of Hoo and Hastings with limitation to his heirs male. 1448. John de Clinton, whose father had assumed the style of Lord Sav, surrendered and confirmed to his kinsman. Sir James Fiennes, who had been summoned as Lord Say and Sele in 1446/7, the style and title of Lord Say to him and his heirs and assigns. 1448. Richard Wydville was created by patent, 9 May 1448, Baron and Lord of Rivers in tail male. 1448. John Stourton was created by patent, 13 May 1448, Baron Stourton in tail male. 1448/9. William Bourchier, who married Thomasine, da. and h. ot Elizabeth Fitzwarine (only sister and h. ot Fulke Fitzwariiie) and Richard Hankford, was summoned 2 Jan. (1448/9) 27 Hen. VI, by writ directed IVillelmo Bourghchicr Militi Domino Fitzlt^aryn, and continued to be summoned in the same form till his death. Richard Hankford, who married Elizabeth Fitzwarine, was never sum- moned to Pari. Up to I Edw. IV Henry Bourchier, Viscount Bourchier, was also summoned, and from 33 Hen. VI John Bourchier of Bcrners was summoned. 1448/9. First and only early writ of summons (^) with words of inheritance. Henry de Bromflete was sum. 24 Jan. (1448/9) 27 Hen. VI, by a writ containing the following limitation: Volumus enitn vos et heredes vestros masculos de corpore vestro legitime exeuntes Barones de Vessy existere. 1449. Thomas Grey was created by charter, 25 June 1449, Baron ot Richemount-Grey, with remainder to his heirs male in perpetuity. 1449. Sir Thomas Percy was created by patent, 20 Nov., Baron Egremont to him and his heirs male for ever. 1455. Richard Welles, who married Joan, da. and h. of Robert Willoughby of Eresby, was sum. 26 May (1455) 33 Hen. 'I, by writ directed Ricardo Welles Domino fVillughby Militi, and continued to be so sum. till 28 Feb. (1468/9) 8 Edw. IV. He was present in Parliament more than a year before the first writ (') See note " e," p. 700. 92