Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/753

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APPENDIX H 731 As there does not appear to be a patent of creation for cither of the above, it may be inferred that the writs of summons had the effect of creating them Barons or Lords of Parliament. We may draw the further inference that these titles were not heritable, because the above Humphrey Stafford, whose writ of summons must have had the same effect as the writs to Uevereux and Herbert, was created a baron in tail male in 1464 (see below), which creation would have been superfluous had his summons to Parliament bestowed an hereditary barony on him. (See also ante^ p. 699). 1 46 1. Humphrey Bourchier married Joan, younger daughter of Sir Richard Stanhope, by Maud, sister of Ralph, called 3rd Lord Cromwell [d. 1454/5). He was summoned from 26 July (1461) I Edw. IV to 15 Oct. (1470) 49 Hen. VI, by writs directed variously HumphriJo Bourchier de Cromwell, Humfrido Domino Cromwell Chivaler, Humfrido Cromwell Ckivaler, and Hump/irido Bourchier de Cromzvell Chivaler. William, John, and Henry Bourchier were summoned at the same time. See sub John Bourchier, 1455. 1464. Humphrey Stafford, who had been summoned to Parliament trom 1 46 1 to 1462/3, whereby he is supposed to have acquired a barony in fee, was created by patent Baron of Stafford of Southwick in tail male. 1465. Sir Walter Blount was created by patent Baron or Lord Mountjoy in tail male. 1473. In the Dacre award made by Edward IV, 8 Apr. 1473, on the dispute between the heir male and the heir general, it is asserted that Sir Richard Fiennes, who had married the latter, was Lord Dacre in right of his wife Joan and the heirs of her body.