Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/78

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62 DARCY raid into Picardy and Caux, July to Nov. I369,(*) and under the Earl of Buckingham in his raid into Brittany, July 1380 to Apr. I38i.(*) He did homage to Richard II at his Coronation, 16 July 1377. C") Appointed a commissioner to take the homage of the Count of Flanders and others, 20 June I383.() He was in the expeditions to Scotland under the Duke of Lancaster in Apr. 1384, and under the King in person in Aug. 1385.0 Appointed Admiral from the Thames Northwards, 22 Feb. l 385/6. ("=) In Oct. 1392 he was sent to Ireland to recover the King's lordships and his own inheritance, and defend the same against the Irish rebels. () He was sum. for Military Service, 13 June (1385) 8 Rid I, and to Pari, from 4 Aug. (1377) I Ric. II to 5 Nov. (1397) 21 Ric. II, by writs directed Philippo Darcy or de Darcy. He was one of the Lords who swore on the altar of the shrine of St. Edward at Westm., 30 Sep. 1397, to maintain all the statutes, fo'c, made in the preceding session of Parl.(') He m. Elizabeth, 2nd da. of Sir Thomas Gray, of Heton in Norhamshire, by Margaret, da. of William DE Presfen, of Middleton, Northumberland.C) He d. 24 Apr. I399,(«) aged nearly 47, and was bur. in the Priory of Henes, co. Lincoln. Will dat. (") So his deposition, 19 Oct. 1386, in tlie Scropc and Grosvenor controversy. C) Close Roll, 1 Ric. II, m. 43: French Roll, 6 Ric. II, m. I. C^) French Roll, 9 Ric. II, m. 25. Indenture by which " monsirc Philip' Sire de Darcy Admir.ille du Northe ct monsirc Thomas Try uet Admirallc du Suthe et West " engage to serve the King "de guerre sur la meer en vnc petite armee de niefs barges et balyngers par quarante iours en lestee prochein venant " with 250 men-at-arms knights and esquires, themselves included, of which men-at-arms 12 shall be knights, and with 250 archers "outre lour chambcrleins queux qils soient ct serront a la meer le ioefdy cii la Semaignc de Pasq' cestassauoir Ic vyngt ct sisme iour dauerille prochein venant." 26 Feb. 9 Ric. II. (Orig. sealed, Darcy's seal almost perfect, Trivet's damaged, Harl. Charter, 49, D3). Indenture, same parties, to serve as before, till the end of August, dated i July 10 Ric. II. (Copy in Lansdowne MSS., no. 207a, f. 20). Knighton (vol. ii, p. 211) states that, in June 1386, Darcy took "quatuor carctas et vj magnas naves non mediocriter onustas, et applicuit eas in portum de Sandewyche." (""d) Patent Roll, 16 Ric. II, p. 2, mm. 18, 24 d. («) Pari. Rolls, vol. iii, pp. 355, 356. He was excused attendance 12 Ric. II, as he was engaged in the defence of the Scottish Marches. [Close Roll, m. 42 d). In the chancery rolls he is styled Lord of Darcy, Lord of Menyle, or merely Philip Darcy chr. (^ Thomas Gray conveyed his lands to himself and Margaret da. of William de Presfen, rem. to the heirs of his body, rem. to Joan widow of John de Coupland, for life, with successive remainders to John Gray, Thomas Gray, Jane, Elizabeth, and Agnes, children of the said Margaret, in tail, Wc: licence dated 10 Feb. (1366/7) 22 Hatfield. Papal mandate to the Bishop of Durham, dated non. Mar. 6 Urban V [7 Mar. 1367/8] to dispense the said Thomas and Margaret to remain in the marriage they had contracted, and to declare their children legitimate, although John Lutre, whose marriage to Margaret had been annulled when she reached the age of consent, was related to Thomas in the 4th degree. [Durham Cursitors" Records, Chancery Roll 31, m. 6: Papal Letters, vol. iv, p. 74). («) "Philippus Darcy chivaler." Writs of diem cl. ext. 28 Apr. 22 Ric. II. Inq., cos. Lincoln, Derby, Notts, York, Tuesday the Feast of St. John ante portam latinam [6 May], 9, 10, 12 May 1399, and Northumberland, undated. "Et dicunt quod predictus Philippus obiit viccsimoquarto die Aprilis [die Jovis in crastino sancti