Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/89

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DARCY 73 w., 21 Aug. 1890, at St. Geo., Han. Sq., George (Herbert), Earl of Powis, s. and h. of Lieut. Gen. the Rt. Hon. Sir Percy Egerton Her- bert, K.C.B., by iVIary, da. and h. of William Thomas Petty-FitzMaurice, styled Earl of Kerry. [Percy Robert Herbert, styled Viscount Clive, ist s. and h. ap., b. 2 Dec. 1892. See fuller particulars sub Powis.] DARCY (of Darcy or of Temple Hurst) BARONY BY i. Thomas Darcy, s. and h. of Sir William D. WRIT. {d. I488),(^) by Eupheme {m. lie. 23 Jan. 1460/1), da. of John Langton, of Farnley, co. York, was b. about i467,(^) I. 1504 and was a person of some distinction in the reign of or Henry VII; knighted I489;made a Knight Banneret by the 1509 Earl of Surrey in Scotland 1497; Constable of Bamburgh to Castle June 1498; Capt. of Berwick 1498-15 15; Treasurer 1537. of Berwick Sep. 1501 ; Warden of the East Marches Sep. 1 505, and of the East and Middle Marches Oct. i 5 1 1 ;(') nom. K.G. 18, and inst. 21 May 1509; Warden of the Forests North of Trent June 1509. He was sum. to Pari, certainly from 17 Oct. (1509) I Hen. VIII, (^) and probably 5 years before, until 3 Nov. (1529) 21 Hen. VIII, by writs directed Thome Darcy de Darcy ChVr^ whereby he became 1 33 1/2 (see ante^ p. 56). The Resolution of the Committee for Privileges was, "That it is proved by the Parliament Roll of i8th Edward III and other evidence adduced on behalf of the Petitioners that John Darcy sat in Parliament in right of that Barony in that year." J. H. Round has shown that, so far from there being yet any evidence produced of John Darcy having sat in that Parliament, he was never even summoned to it. See Peerage and Pedigree, vol. i, pp. 274 et iqq., where the case is fully discussed. See also ante, p. 56, note "c." V.G. (*) This William was grandson and h. of John Darcy, and s. of John, Lord Darcy (of Knaith) [1399-141 1] abovenamed (see ante, p. 63), and in 1418 the h. male of that family. See tabular pedigree, p. 7 i . (*") In his deposition, June 1529, about the marriage of Prince Arthur and Katherine of Arragon, he states that he is " 60 years of age or thereabouts," but in his father's Inq. p. m., 1488, he is said to be aged 21 and more. V.G. (') A very long paper drawn up by him, containing charges and complaints against Cardinal Wolsey, mentions " how colorably and wrongfully he voided me from the offices of Captain of Berwick and Warden of the Marches, a yearly living of by year 1,000/. [? rectim 100/.]." {Letters and Papen, Hen. Fill, vol. iv, part 3, pp. 2548-2555). V.G. (■*) He is spoken of as "my Lord Darcy" as early as 13 Apr. 1504, in a letter of Dame Agnes Plumpton, and in a patent of 6 June 1505, and is so styled when, as Capt. of the Guard, he was present, 8-10 May 1509, at the funeral of Henry VII. He may probably, therefore, have been sum. to the Pari, that met 25 Jan. 1503/4, but in that case the writ is lost. {Plumpton Correspondence, pp. 187-188, pub. by the Camden Soc; Leland's Collectanea, vol. iv, p. 303). He is called " Sir Thomas Darcy Lord dc Darcy, knt.," as early as 1506. {Ancient Deeds, A, no. 121 16). V.G. 10