Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/98

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82 DARLINGTON NARD OF BARNARDS CASTLE and EARL OF DARLINGTON, CO. Durham. Joint Paymaster of the Forces (a very lucrative office) 1755- 56. He w., 2 Sep. 1725, Grace, ist surv. da. of Charles (Fitzroy), Duke OF Cleveland and Southampton, by his 2nd wife, Anne, da. of Sir William PuLTENEY. He d. 6 IVIar. 1758. (^) Will pr. 1758. His v/idow, who was b. li Mar., and bap. 8 Apr. 1697, at St. James's, Westm., d. 29 Sep. 1763, aged 66. Will dat. 15 June 1762, pr. 12 Nov. 1763. III. 1758. 2. Henry (Vane), Earl OF Darlington, (^c, 1st s, and h., ^. i726,matric. at Oxford (Ch. Ch.) 28 May 1744, then aged 17, M.A. Cambridge, 3 July 1749; Capt. ist Foot Guards 1747; Lieut. Col. Coldstream Guards 1750; Col. in the army (during service) 1779; M.P. (Whig) for Downton 1749-53, for co. Durham 1 753-58 ;(*>) Lord Lieut, of CO. Durham 1758-92; Gov. of Carlisle 1763-92; Master of the Jewel Office 1763-82. He m. (lie. Bp. of London), 19 Mar. 1757, at St. Geo., Han. Sq., Margaret, sister of James, ist Earl of Lonsdale, da. of Robert Lowther, Gov. of Barbados, by Catherine, da. of Sir Joseph Pennington, Bart. He d. 8 Sep. 1792, at Raby Castle, co. Durham, and was bur. at Raby, aged 66. Will pr. Dec. 1792. His widow d. at Laneton Grange, co. Durham, 4 Sep. i 800. Will pr. 1 801. IV. 1792. 3. William Harry (Vane), Earl OF Darling- ton, (jfc, s. and h., b. i-j July 1766. On 5 Oct. 1827 he was cr. MARQUESS OF CLEVELAND, and on 29 Jan. 1833, BARON RABY OF RABY CASTLE, co. Durham, and DUKE OF CLEVELAND. He d. 29 Jan. 1842. V. 1842. 4. Henry (Vane), Duke of Cleveland, Marquess of Cleveland, Earl of Darlington, ^fc, s. and h., b. 6 Aug. 1788; d. s.p., 18 Jan. 1864. VI. 1864. 5. William John Frederick (Vane, formerly Powlett), Duke of Cleveland, Marquess of Cleveland, Earl of Darlington, i^c, br. and h., b. 3 Apr. 1792; d. s.p., 6 Sep. 1864. VII. 1864 to 6. Harry George (Vane, afterwards Powlett), Duke of Cleveland [1833], Marquess of Cleve- 1891. land [1827], Earl of Darlington and Viscount Barnard [1754], Baron Barnard [1698], and Baron Raby of Raby Castle [1833], br. and h., b. 19 Apr. 1803. He d. s.p., 21 Aug. 1 89 1, when all his honours, save the Barony of Barnard, became extinct. O j4_ 00 > (') He, "whenever he was drunk told all he knew, and when he was sober, more than he knew." (Walpole, George II, vol. i, p. 11 7). V.G. C") As a peer he opposed the Coalition of North and Fox in 1783, and supported Pitt's Regency Bill. V,G,