Page:The Complete Works of Lyof N. Tolstoi - 08 (Crowell, 1899).djvu/14

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tradesman who was an acquaintance of his, and the two stopped at the same tavern for the night. They took tea together, and went to sleep in adjoining rooms.

Aksenof did not care to sleep long; he awoke in the middle of the night, and in order that he might get a good start while it was cool he aroused his driver and bade him harness up, went down into the smoky hut, settled his account with the landlord, and started on his way.

After he had driven forty versts,[1] he again stopped to get something to eat; he rested in the vestibule of the inn, and when it was noon, he went to the doorstep and ordered the samovar[2] got ready; then he took out his guitar and began to play.

Suddenly a troïka[3] with a bell dashed up to the inn, and from the equipage leaped an official with two soldiers; he came directly up to Aksenof, and asked:——

"Who are you? Where did you come from?"

Aksenof answered without hesitation, and asked him if he would not like to have a glass of tea with him.

But the official kept on with his questions:——

"Where did you spend last night? Were you alone or with a merchant? Have you seen the merchant this morning? Why did you leave so early this morning?"

Aksenof wondered why he was questioned so closely; but he told everything just as it was, and asked:——

"Why do you put so many questions to me? I am not a thief or a murderer. I am on my own business; there is nothing to question me about."

Then the official called up the soldiers, and said:——

"I am the police inspector,[4] and I have made these inquiries of you because the merchant with whom you spent last night has been stabbed. Show me your things, and you men search him."

  1. Nearly twenty-six and a half miles
  2. Water-boilder for making Russian tea
  3. A team of three horses harnessed abreast; the outside two gallop, the shaft-horse trots.
  4. Ispravnik.