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Dr. Victor Juno. the hero. is a bold, fearless health-reformer, who proposes to "look through Nature, up to Nature's God;" who has for years lectured in favor of the scientific improvement of the human race, and against the corruptions in Church and State; and who becomes very offensive to the leaders in high positions. Gen. Armington, is an orthodox Christian and Millionaire, who has an only child—Miss Lucinda Armington—and Dr. Juno becomes the accepted lover of Miss Armington. and the rival of Deacon Rob Stew, who is a most villainous and conniving' hypocrite, and who has immense influence in the Protestant Church. which he uses for his own selfish purposes; hence, he connives with Rev. Joe Pier. Miss Nancy Clover, and many others, for the purpose of destroying' Dr. Juno's influence and life, if necessary; finally the conflict becomes gigantic on both sides.

Deacon Stew and his co-conspirators abduct Dr. Juno and Miss Armington and cast them into separate dungeons in the Insane Asylum, where it is intended Juno shall die, whilst the Deacon continually visits Miss Armington in her cell, making overtures of marriage to her, peaceably if she accepts, but forcibly if she refuses. Juno manages to escape, learns, the whereabouts of his lady-love, organizes the "Secret Order of Naturalists," makes revolutionary public speeches, advocating the rights of the working people, raises a faithful band of followers, mobs the Insane Asylum, rescues Miss Armington. after which the conflict grows hotter and hotter. The Naturalists, constituting the people, now being in full blast against the Conspirators; the latter have yet control of Church and State, and to save themselves, bribe Congress and have God recognized in the Constitution of the United States, so that they may destroy the Naturalists. This overt act arouses the "working people" all over the land, when a gigantic Social War takes place. The Naturalists conquer, and- Dr. Juno and Miss Armington are happy, whilst an entire new era dawns for mankind!


Gentlemen:—I have always advocated the doctrine, in all my lectures, sermons and writings, that the "Stage" should be the moral school-teacher; and that by producing historical, local and instructive plays, the auditors would learn more in a few hours than could be obtained from books in weeks. That a play can be instructive, sensational, thrilling and humorous; thereby combining all the qualifications to exercise the various thinking faculties, and still not overstep the modesty of nature, whilst giving the greatest gratification to the audience.

In the "Social War of 1900," I have endeavored to combine these qualifications, and have introduced such lessons as the hour of the times demand, and I feel assured that when this drama is skilfully rendered, it will arouse the lethargic faculties of the community and do much good, as it has already done where it has been produced.

I am open for Star Engagements in first-class Theaters. S. M. LANDIS, M. D.

Address me No. 13 N. 11th St., Phila., Pa., or Col. T. Allston Brown. N. Y. City.