Page:The Constitution of India (23rd Amendment) Act 1970.djvu/2

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2 Amend- ment of article 332. 3. In article 3.32- of the Constitution, ifi clause (1), for the words "except the Schedule^ Tribes .in the 1 areas of Assam", the words "except the Scheduled Tribes in the tribal areas of Assam and in Naga- land" shall be substituted. Amend- ment of article 333. 4. (1) In article 333 of the tfinstitution, for the words "nominate such, number of members of thodSqinmunity to the Assembly as he con- siders appropriate", the words 'dominate one member of that community to the Assembly" shall be substituted. (2) Nothing contained in sub-section (I) shall affect any representa- tion of the Anglo-Indian community in the Legislative Assembly of any State existing at the commencement of this Act until the dissolution of that Assembly. Amend- ment of article 334. 5. In article 334 of the Constitution, for the words "twenty the words "thirty years" shall be substituted. years N.D.P. NAMBOODIRIPAD, Joint Secy, to the Govt, of India.