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Constitution of 1791

person and it shall not bestow any privileges nor any exception to the rights common to all Frenchmen.

7. The certificates by which shall be attested the births, marriages, and deaths of the French princes shall be presented to the legislative body, which shall order the deposit of them in its archives.

8. No real estate appanage shall be granted to members of the family of the king.

The younger sons of the king shall receive at the age of twenty-one years, or at the time of their marriage, an appanaged income which shall be fixed by the legislative body and shall terminate with the extinction of their masculine posterity.

Section IV. Of the ministers.

1. The choice and dismissal of the ministers shall belong to the king alone.

2. The members of the present National Assembly and of the legislatures following, the members of the tribunal of cassation, and those who shall serve on the high jury, cannot be promoted to the ministry, nor receive any place, gift, pension, stipend, or commission from the executive power or from its agents, during the continuance of their functions, nor for two years after having ceased the exercise of them.

It shall be the same with those who are only enrolled upon the list of the high jury, during the time that their enrollment shall continue.

3. No one can enter upon the exercise of any employment either m the offices of the ministry or in those of the management or administration of the public revenues, nor in general any employment at the nomination of the executive power, without taking the civic oath, or without proving that he has taken it.

4. No order of the king can be executed unless it is signed by him and countersigned by the minister or administrator of the department.

5. The ministers are responsible for all the offences committed by themselves against the national security and the constitution;

For every attack upon property and personal liberty;