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Constitution of 1791

the name of N. (the name of the king), by the grace of God and by the constitutional law of the state, King of the French, etc., etc.”

5. The executive power is required to send the laws to the administrative bodies and the tribunals, to cause the transmission to be certified, and to give proof thereof to the legislative body.

6. The executive power cannot make any law, even provisionally, but only proclamations in conformity with the laws to order or call to mind the execution of them.

Section II. Of the internal administration.

1. In each department there is a superior administration, and in each district a subordinate administration.

2. The administrators do not have any representative character.

They are agents elected at stated times by the people to exercise, under the surveillance and authority of the king, the administrative functions.

3. They cannot interfere in the exercise of the legislative power, nor suspend the execution of the laws, nor encroach in any manner upon the judiciary, nor upon the military arrangements or operations.

4. The administrators are essentially charged with the apportionment of the direct taxes and the surveillance of the monies arising from all the public taxes and revenues in their territory.

It belongs to the legislative power to determine the regulations and the mode of their functions, upon the matters above expressed as well as upon all the other parts of the internal administration.

5. The king has the right to annul the acts of the department administrators which are contrary to the laws or to the orders which shall have been addressed to them.

He can suspend them from their functions, in case of persistent disobedience, or if they compromise by their acts the public security or tranquility.

6. The department administrators, likewise, have the right to annul the acts of the district sub-administrators which are contrary to the laws, or to the decisions of the department administrators, or to the orders which these latter shall have