Page:The Constitutions and Other Select Documents Illustrative of the History of France, 1789-1907, Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged.pdf/208

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Constitution of the Year I

50. Fifty members have the right to require a vote by roll call.

51. It has the right of discipline upon the conduct of its members within its own midst.

52. The policing of the place of its sittings and of the environs of which it has fixed the extent belongs to it.

Of the Functions of the Legislative Body.

53. The legislative body proposes laws and issues decrees.

54. Included under the general name of law are the acts of the legislative body in regard to:

Civil and criminal legislation;

The general administration of the revenues and ordinary expenses of the Republic;

The national domains;

The title, weight, impress, and denomination of the monies;

The nature, amount, and collection of the taxes;

The declaration of war;

Every new general division of the French territory;

Public instruction;

Public honors to the memory of great men.

55. Included under the special name of decree are the acts of the legislative body in regard to:

The annual establishment of the land and sea forces;

Permission or prohibition of the passage of foreign troops over French soil;

The introduction of foreign naval forces into the ports of the Republic;

Measures of general security and tranquility;

The annual and occasional distribution of public relief and work;

Orders for the coining of money of every sort;

Unforeseen and extraordinary expenses;

The local and special measures for an administration, a commune, or a class of public work;

The defence of the soil;

Ratification of treaties;

The appointment and dismissal of commanders-in-chief of the armies;

Proceedings to enforce the responsibility of members of the council and of public officials;