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Constitution of the Year III

signed to them by the law and not upon the general interests of the Republic.

200. Every administration shall annually render an account of its management.

The reports rendered by the department administrations are to be printed.

201. All the acts of the administrative bodies are made public by the deposit of the register wherein they are recorded, which is open to all persons under the administration.

This register is closed every six months and is deposited only from that day that it has been closed.

The legislative body can postpone, according to circumstances, the day fixed for this deposit.

Title VIII. Judicial Power.

General Provisions.

202. The judicial functions cannot be exercised by the legislative body nor by the executive power.

203. The judges cannot interfere in the exercise of the legislative power nor make any regulation.

They cannot stop or suspend the execution of any law nor cite before them the administrators on account of their functions.

204. No one can be deprived of the judges that the law assigns to him by any commission nor by other authorities than those which are fixed by a prior law.

205. Justice is rendered gratuitously.

206. The judges cannot be dismissed except for legally pronounced forfeiture, nor suspended except by an accepted accusation.

207. The ancestor and the descendant in the direct line, brothers, uncle and nephew, cousins of the first degree, and those related by marriage in these various degrees, cannot be at the same time members of the same tribunal.

208. The sittings of the tribunal are public; the judges deliberate in secret; the judgments are pronounced orally; they include a statement of reasons and in them is set forth the terms of the law applied.

209. No citizen, unless he is fully thirty years of age, can be elected judge of a department tribunal, or justice of the peace, or assessor of a justice of the peace, or judge of a tri-