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Constitution of the Year VIII

clared his intention to settle in France, he has resided there for ten consecutive years.

4. The title to French citizenship is lost:

By naturalization in a foreign country;

By the acceptance of appointments or pensions tendered by a foreign government;

By affiliation with any foreign corporation which may imply distinctions of birth;

By condemnation to afflictive or infamous punishments.

5. The exercise of the rights of French citizenship is suspended:

By the state of bankruptcy or of direct inheritance, with gratuitous title, to the succession, in whole or in part, of a bankrupt;

By the condition of domestic service for wages, either for a person or a household;

By the condition of judicial interdiction, of accusation, or of contempt of court.

6. In order to exercise the rights of citizenship in a communal district, it is necessary to have acquired domicile there by one year of residence and not to have lost it by one year of absence.

7. The citizens of each communal district designate by their votes those among them whom they believe the most fit to conduct public affairs. Thus the result is a list of the trust-worthy, containing a number of names equal to one-tenth of the number of citizens having the right to co-operate there. It is from this first communal list that the public functionaries of the district must be taken.

8. The citizens included in the communal lists of a department designate likewise a tenth of themselves. Thus there results a second list, known as the departmental list, from which the public functionaries of the department must be taken.

9. The citizens comprised in the departmental list designate in like manner a tenth of themselves: thus there results a third list which comprises the citizens of that department eligible to the national public functions.

10. The citizens who have the right to co-operate in the formation of one of the lists mentioned in the three preceding articles, are called upon every three years to provide for re-