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Constitution of 1791

by majority of the votes, and they shall be chosen only from among the active citizens of the department.

3. All active citizens, whatever their condition, profession, or tax, can be elected representatives of the nation.

4. Nevertheless, the ministers and other agents of the executive power removable at pleasure, the commissioners of the national treasury, the collectors and receivers of the direct taxes, the overseers of the collection and administration of the indirect taxes and national domains, and those who, under any denomination whatsoever, are attached to the military and civil household of the king, shall be obliged to choose [between their offices and that of representative].

The administrators, sub-administrators, municipal officers, and commandants of the national guards shall likewise be required to choose [between their offices and that of representative].

5. The exercise of judicial functions shall be incompatible with that of representative of the nation, for the entire duration of the legislature.

The judges shall be replaced by their substitutes, and the king shall provide by commissionary warrants for the replacing of his commissioners before the tribunals.

6. The members of the legislative body can be re-elected to the following legislature, and they can be elected thereafter only after the interval of one legislature.

7. The representatives selected in the department shall not be the representatives of one particular department, but of the entire nation, and no instructions can be given them.

Section IV. Meeting and government of the primary electoral assemblies.

1. The functions of the primary and electoral assemblies are confined to election; they shall separate immediately after the elections have taken place and they shall not form themselves again unless they shall be convoked, except in the case of the 1st article of section II and of the 1st article of section III above.

2. No active citizen can enter or cast his vote in an assembly, if he is armed.

3. The armed force shall not be introduced into its midst without the express wish of the assembly, unless violence is