Page:The Construction of the Wonderful Canon of Logarithms.djvu/118

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First Table.
First proportional after radius, 9999999.
The last proportional, 9999900.000494998383003921217471
Second Table.
First proportional after radius, 9999900.
The last proportional, 9995001.224804023027881398897012
Third Table.
Column 1.
First proportional after radius, 9995000.
The last proportional, 9900473.578023286050198667424460
Column 2.
The first proportional, 9900000.
Column 69.
The first proportional, 5048858.887870699519058238006143
The last proportional, 4998609.401853189325032233811730
Half Radius, 5000000.
One-tenth of Radius, 1000000.

mistake in the Second table, this was not the case with those in the Magnus Canon computed by Ursinus and published in 1624. The logarithm of 30° or half radius, for instance, is there given as 69314718 (see specimen page of his Table, given in the Catalogue), which is correct to the number of places given. But in a table of the logarithms of ratios (corresponding to the table in sect. 53 of the Constructio), which is given by Ursinus on page 223 of the ‘Trigonometria,’ the value is stated as 69314718.28, which exceeds the true value by .22. This example will explain how some of the logarithms at the end of the Magnus Canon are too great by 1 in the units place. Notwithstanding
