Page:The Construction of the Wonderful Canon of Logarithms.djvu/130

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As several works of this kind are mentioned in the Catalogue, a short note of the particular work and edition referred to is given below:—

Messkatalog.—Catalogus universalis pro nundinis Francofurtensibus autumnalibus, de anno MDCXI. Hoc est: Designatio omnium librorum, qui hisce nundinis autumnalibus vel noui vel emendatiores et auctiores prodierunt. Das ist: Verzeichnuss aller Bücher, so zu Franckfurt in der Herbstmess, Anno 1611 entweder gantz new oder sonsten verbessert, oder auffs new widerumb auffgelegt, in der Buchgassen verkaufft worden. Francofurti, Permissu Superiorum, Typis Sigismundi Latomi.

The Frankfurt catalogues were issued for the half-yearly book fairs held in that city at Fastenmesse and Herbstmesse.

In these catalogues, and in bibliographical works founded on them, as those of Draudius, Lipenius, etc., the place and name given cannot be taken as the actual place of publication and name of publisher without corroborative evidence. Thus, for example, the editions of the ‘Descriptio’ 1614, ‘Rabdologiæ’ 1617, and the ‘Constructio’ 1619, which were published at Edinburgh by Andrew Hart, are sometimes given with the correct particulars, and again appear as issued at Amsterdam, the first by Iansonius, and the two others by Hondius. There is little doubt, however, that these were simply importers of the Edinburgh editions who supplied the German market. Similar remarks apply to the translations and other editions of Napier’s works.

Draudius.—Bibliotheca Librorum Germanicorum Classica. Durch M. Georgium Draudium. Franckfurt am Mayn, Balthasaris Ostern. 1625.
DraudBibliotheca Classica sive Catalogus Officinalis, M. Georgió Draudio. Fracofurti ad Moenum. Balthasaris Ostern. 1625.

DraudBibliotheca Exotica sive Catalogus Officinalis Librorum Peregrinis Linguis usualibus scriptorum, videlicet Gallica … Anglica … &c., omnium, quotquot in Officinis Bibliopolarum indagari potuerunt, & in Nundinis Francofurtensibus prostant, ac senales habentur. A Frankfourt, Par Pierre Kopf. 1610.
Another edition, 1625.
