Page:The Construction of the Wonderful Canon of Logarithms.djvu/146

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Ee61, Title.62, blank.Ee71,–Ee82, 4 pages, La Preface. Ff12–Gg82, pp. 1–31, The Work itself. At foot of p. 31 is printed, “Achené d’imprimer le huictiesme iour de Iuin 1605.” Gg82, blank.

Signatures, ã in eight + ẽ in four + A to Z and Aa to Gg in eights = 252 leaves.

Paging. 24 + (446 − 40 for error=) 406 numbered + 36 + 6 + 31 numbered + 1 = 504 pages.

Errors in Paging. P. 15 is numbered 16, and there are several errors in signature E, but the only error affecting the last page, is p. 401 numbered 441, and so to the end. The two Tables are on folding sheets which precede A11 and F61.

It will be observed that this is described as ‘Edition seconde’ as well as that of 1603.

Libraries. Adv, Ed.; Un Ed.; Un. Ab.; Brit. Mus, Lon.; Chetham’s Manch,; Trin. Col. Dub.; Nat. Paris; Stadt. Frankfurt;

Ovvertvre|De Tovs Les Secrets|De|L’Apocalypse|Ov Revelation|De S. Iean.|En deux traités: l’vn recerchant & prouuant la|vraye interpretation d’icelle: l’autre appli-|quant au texte ceste interpretation pa-|raphrastiquement & histori-|quement.|Par Iean Napeir (c. à. d. Nompareil) Sieur de| Merchiston: reueuë par lui-mesme.|Et mise en François par Georges|Thomson Escossois.| Edition troisieme|Amplifiee d’Annotations, & de quatre harmonies sur|l’Apocalypse par le Translateur. |

Il te faut encores prophetizer à plusieurs peuples,|& gens, & langues, & Rois,|Apoc, 10. 11.|

A La Rochelle,|Par Noel de la Croix.| cIɔ. IɔC. VII. |

8°. Size 63/4 x 41/2 inches. A11, Title. A12, blank.A21–A41, 5 pages, Dedication to King James.A42–A71, 6 pages, Av Lectevr Pievx.…A72–A81, 2 pages, Avx Eglises Francoises.…A82–B22, 5 pages, Poems, as in the edition of 1603, also the Aduertissement.…Preceding B31, Table on folding sheet. B31–G72, pp. 1–90, The first Treatise.Preceding G81, Table on folding sheet. G81–Dd52, pp. 91-406, The second Treatise.Dd61–Dd82, 6 pages, “Av Lectevr Mal-content,Ee11–Ee82, 16 pages, Table des Matieres.…, on the last page at the end is the Sonnet.

Qvatre|Harmonies|Svr La Revelation De|S. Iean: Tovchant La Royav-|te, Prestrise et Prophe-|tie de Iesus Christ.|Contenantes aussi la Prophetie & Histoire Chrestienne| aucunement
