Page:The Construction of the Wonderful Canon of Logarithms.djvu/155

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1. Editions in Latin.

Rabdologiæ,|Sev Nvmerationis|Per Virgulas|Libri Dvo:|Cum Appendice de expeditissi-|simo Mvltiplicationis| promptvario.|Quibus accessit & Arithmeticæ|Localis Liber vnvs.|Authore & Inventore Ioanne|Nepero, Barone Mer-|chistonii, &c.|Scoto.|Edinbvrgi,|Excudebat Andreas Hart, 1617.|

12°. Size 5 5/8 x 3 1/4 inches.¶11, Title.¶12, blank. ¶21–¶41, 5 pages, “Illustrissimo Viro Alexandro Setonio Fermelinoduni Comiti, Fyvœi, & Vrqvharti Domino, &c. Supremo Regni Scotiæ Cancellario. S.”, signed “Ioannes Neperus Merchistonii Baro.”¶42, Verses, viz.:— “Avthori Dignissimo.”, 4 lines, unsigned; “Lectori Rabdologiæ.”, 4 lines, signed “Patricivs Sandḛvs”; and “Ad Lectorem.”, 6 lines, signed “Andreas Ivnivs.”¶51–¶61, 3 pages, “Elenchvs Capitvm, et vsvvm totivs operis.”¶62, two lines in centre of page.A11–B92, pp. 1-42, “Radbdologiæ Liber Primvs De usu Virgvlarvm numeratricium in genere.”B101–D92, pp. 43–90, “Radbdologiæ Liber Secvndvs De usu Virgularum Numeratricium in Geometricis & Mechanicis officio Tabularum.”D101–E82, pp. 91–112, “De Expeditissimo Multiplicationis Promptvario Appendix.”, the “Præfatio” occupying the first page. E91–G52, pp. 113–154, “Arithmeticæ Localis, que in Scacchiæ abaco exercetur, Liber unus.”, the “Præfatio” occupying the first two pages.G6 blank.

Signatures. ¶ in six + A to F in twelve + G in six = 84 leaves.

Paging. 12 + 154 numbered + 2 = 168 pages.
There are 4 folding plates to face pages 101, 105, 106, and 130, which, with those on pages 6, 7, 8, 94, and 95, are copperplate.

Errors in Paging. None.
In one copy belonging to the Edinburgh University Library the signature B5 is printed in error A5, but in their other copy it is correct.

The word expeditissimo on the 5th and 6th lines of the title-page is in some copies correctly printed expeditis-|simo.

Libraries. Adv. Ed.; Sig. Ed.; Un. Ed. (2); Un. Gl. (2); Brit. Mus. Lon.; Un. Col. Lon.; Roy. Soc. Lon.; Bodl. Oxf. (5); Un. Camb.; Trin, Col. Camb.; Trin. Col. Dub.; Kön. Berlin; Stadt. Breslau; Un. Breslau; Kön. Öff. Dresden; Un. Halle; Un. Leiden; K. Hof u. Staats. München; Astor, New York; Nat. Paris; Un. Utrecht;
