Page:The Construction of the Wonderful Canon of Logarithms.djvu/170

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logarithms of the sines for each minute from 89°–90° are given in full, the last figure being marked off by a point. This is, I believe, the earliest instance of the decimal point being used in a printed book. The Admonitio at the end of the Table is wanting.

The two words “and maintaine” in the last line of the first page of Briggs’ preface (A61) are ruled out in ink in all copies both in this edition and in that of 1618.

Libraries. Adv. Ed.; Un. Gl.; Brit. Mus. Lon.; Bodl. Oxf.; Qu. Col. Oxf.;

A|Description|Of The Admirable|Table Of Loga-|rithmes:|With|A Declaration of the most Plenti-|full, Easie, and Speedy vse there-|of in both kinds of Trigonome-|try, as also in all Ma-|thematicall Calcu-|lations.|Inuented and published in Latine by that] Honourable Lord Iohn Nepair, Baron of|Marchiston, and translated into Eng-|lish by the late learned and famous| Mathematician, Edward|Wright.|With an addition of the Instrumentall Table|to finde the part Proportionall, intended|by the Translator, and described in the end of the|Booke by Henrie Brigs Geometry-|reader at Gresham-house in|London.|All perused and approued by the Authour, and|published since the death of the Translator.|Whereunto is added new Rules for the|ease of the Student.|

London,|Printed for Simon Waterson.|1618.|

This edition is really that of 1616 with the title-page cut out and the above put in its place; there being also added at the end of the work (A31–A102, pp. 1–16) “An Appendix to the Logarithmes, shewing the practise of the Calculation of Triangles, and also a new and ready way for the exact finding out of such lines and Logarithmes as are not precisely to be found in the Canons.”

One of the copies in the Glasgow University Library has the new title-page with blank leaf attached, inside of which is placed the sig. A of the 1616 edition with its first leaf cut out, and also the new sig. A (A3-A10) containing the Appendix.
